鈴木 一生. Through, or Around:Herman Melvilleの短篇"I and My Chimney"における隠された小部屋. 英文學研究支部統合号. 2018. 10. 27-35
Issei Suzuki. The Duplicated Times: The Visual and Auditory Perception of Time in Herman Melville's "The Apple-Tree Table". 2017. 33. 18-30
MISC (1):
鈴木一生. (Conference Proceeding) 静寂を囲う珊瑚礁:『ピエール』における宿命と自由意志、真と偽、血統の問題が生み出す小説の力学. Sky-Hawk: The Journal of the Melville Society of Japan. 2023. 11. 51-54
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
Age-Neutralizing Melville and Fluid Text (Symposium "Herman Melville and Biography Studies")
(The 77th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan, Kyushu Branch 2024)