Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2007 - 2009 Beam Diagnostic Study and Development of Laser Based Photo Neutralization Beam Profile monitor system in High intensity Proton Accelerator.
Papers (159):
Kazami Yamamoto, Michikazu Kinsho, Naoki Hayashi, Pranab Kumar Saha, Fumihiko Tamura, Masanobu Yamamoto, Norio Tani, Tomohiro Takayanagi, Junichiro Kamiya, Yoshihiro Shobuda, et al. Design and actual performance of J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron for high-intensity operation. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2022. 59. 9. 1174-1205
H. Hotchi, H. Harada, N. Hayashi, M. Kinsho, K. Okabe, P. K. Saha, Y. Shobuda, F. Tamura, K. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto, et al. J-PARC 3-GeV RCS: 1-MW beam operation and beyond. Journal of Instrumentation. 2020. 15. 7
Hayashi N, Hatakeyama S, Miura A, Yoshimoto M, Futatsukawa K, Miyao T. Analysis of interlocked events based on beam instrumentation data at J-PARC Linac and RCS. Proceedings of the 7th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2018. 2018
HARADA Hiroyuki, HAYASHI Naoki. New Method for High Resolution Analysis of Betatron Tune in a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron or a Booster Ring. JPS Conference Proceedings (Web). 2021. 33
ICHIHARA T, EN'YO H, GOTO Y, SAWADA S, TAKETANI A, HAYASHI N, HAMAGAKI H, YOKKAICHI S, WATANABE Y. 25pSC-10 Technologies for PHENIX Computing Center in Japan(PHENIX CC-J). Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 1999. 54.2.1. 66
ICHIHARA T, EN'YO H, GOTO Y, SAWADA S, TAKETANI A, HAYASHI N, HAMAGAKI H, YOKKAICHI S, WATANABE Y. 25pSC-9 A concept of PHENIX Computing Center in Japan(PHENIX CC-J). Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 1999. 54.2.1. 65