J-GLOBAL ID:201901013722969081
Update date: Mar. 26, 2024
Matsuo Kohei
マツオ コウヘイ | Matsuo Kohei
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Head of Group
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Marine and maritime engineering
Research keywords (6):
PLM system
, 技術ロードマップ
, AR/VR技術
, 曲げ加工
, 造船
, 生産技術
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2023 - 2026 Assembly sequence and path planning based on machine learning for large-scale products
- 2021 - 2024 冷間曲げによる非可展面成形法に関する研究
- 2018 - 2021 Fabrication of doubly-curved CFRP shell structures by tailored fiber placement embroidery machines
- 2017 - 2020 Fundamental study on integrated fluid, structure and production design method considering mathematical simulation and its UQ
- 2017 - 2020 Research on fundamental algorithm of mechanical surface transformation based on geometric theory
- 2015 - 2018 Development of CFRP forming based on principal strips and its applications
- 2011 - 2013 On Press Working Process for Undevelopable Sheet Metal Forming in Shipbuilding
- 2007 - 2007 船体外板の新しいランディング手法についての研究
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Papers (7):
Masahito Takezawa, Yuto Otoguro, Kohei Matsuo, Tadahiro Shibutani, Akio Sakurai, Takashi Maekawa. Fabrication of doubly-curved CFRP shell structures with control over fiber directions. Computer-Aided Design. 2021. 136. 103028. 103028-103028
Masahito Takezawa, Kohei Matsuo, Takahiro Ando. Development of Support System for Ship-Hull Plate Forming Using Laser Scanner. International Journal of Automation Technology. 2021. 15. 3. 290-300
Tetsuo YASUOKA, Masahito TAKEZAWA, Yoshiyasu HIRANO, Kohei MATSUO, Akio SAKURAI. Application of principal strips for manufacturing of curved aircraft CFRP structures. JAXA Research and Development Report. 2020. JAXA-RR-20-002
一ノ瀬 康雄, 藤本 修平, 松尾 宏平, 高見 朋希. 船型設計のフロントローディングによる全体最適設計. 海上技術安全研究所報告. 2020. 19-4. 467-472
Masahito Takezawa, Kohei Matsuo, Takashi Maekawa. Control of lines of curvature for plate forming in shipbuilding. Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2019. 75. 101785
MISC (60):
村上睦尚, 松尾宏平, 藤本修平, 津村秀一, 竹澤正仁, 谷口智之, 林原仁志, 松井貞興, 田中義照, 穴井陽祐. Developing Criteria, Training Materials, Proficiency Tests and Contests for Skills Evaluation on Professional Skills and Technology of Shipbuilding. 海上技術安全研究所報告(Web). 2019. 18. 4. 405-454 (WEB ONLY)
松尾宏平. Investigation Research on Future Technologies for Maritime Industry. 海上技術安全研究所報告(Web). 2019. 18. 4. 473-493 (WEB ONLY)
穴井陽祐, 松尾宏平, 津村秀一, 竹澤正仁. Activity for Development of Shipbuilding Education Materials for Future Generations. 海上技術安全研究所報告(Web). 2019. 18. 4. 455-471 (WEB ONLY)
澤田祐希, 櫻井昭男, 竹澤正仁, 松尾宏平, 白石耕一郎. 複合材料製水中翼の繊維配向が弾性変形に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究. 第47回可視化情報学会シンポジウム論文集. 2019
竹澤正仁, 松尾宏平, 櫻井昭男. 船舶への複合材利用に向けた炭素繊維の曲率線配置に関する研究. 海上技術安全研究所研究発表会講演集. 2018. 18th. 224-225
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2012/02 - 現在 国立研究開発法人 海上・港湾・航空技術研究所 海上技術安全研究所
- 2011/02 - 2012/02 ベルリン工科大学 Faculty V of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems, Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management
- 2004/04 - 2011/01 National Maritime Research Institute
- 2007/07 - 2009/03 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Awards (2):
- 2017/09 - HIPER(High-Performance Marine Vehicles) Maritime Innovator Award
- 2009/10 - 日本機械学会 設計工学・システム部門 D&Sコンテスト優秀研究表彰
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