J-GLOBAL ID:201901014923700109
Update date: Nov. 26, 2024
Kadobayashi Hirokazu
カドバヤシ ヒロカズ | Kadobayashi Hirokazu
Research field (1):
Solid earth science
Research keywords (6):
, ラマン分光
, 放射光
, 高圧物性
, 地球惑星科学
, ダイヤモンドアンビルセル
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2022 - 2025 H-C-N-O系における新奇氷惑星マントル物質の探査とダイヤモンド生成条件の解明
- 2019 - 2022 氷惑星内部条件でのメタンとアンモニアの融解・分子解離挙動の解明と構造モデルの構築
- 2019 - 2022 氷惑星マントル物質の高温高圧実験に基づく天王星・海王星の内部構造モデルの構築
- 2017 - 2019 高温高圧下における水-メタン系物質の安定性の解明と天王星・海王星の内部構造理解
- 2015 - 2018 Challenge to generate 1 TPa by static compression
Papers (32):
Binbin Yue, Wei Zhong, He Zhang, Jie Zhou, Jingwei Miao, Saori Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Fang Hong. Pressure-induced superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional ZrS3. Physical Review B. 2024. 110. 14
Jie Zhou, Wei Zhong, He Zhang, Saori Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Xiaohui Yu, Binbin Yue, Fang Hong. Absence of metallic ground state across the spin state transition in crystalline MnS 2 under pressure. Physical Review B. 2024. 110. 16
Wei Zhong, He Zhang, Ertugrul Karaca, Jie Zhou, Saori Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Xiaohui Yu, Daniel Errandonea, Binbin Yue, Fang Hong. Pressure-Sensitive Multiple Superconducting Phases and Their Structural Origin in Van der Waals HfS 2 Up to 160 GPa. Physical Review Letters. 2024. 133. 6
Yuudai Iwai, Sotaro Kusumoto, Ryo Suzuki, Masaru Tachibana, Kazuki Komatsu, Takashi Kikuchi, Saori I. Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Yuji Masubuchi, Yuzuki Yamamoto, et al. Mechanical Properties of Modulative Undulating Layers in Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials. 2024. 36. 11. 5446-5455
Martina Vrankić, Takeshi Nakagawa, Melita Menelaou, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Naoya Yoshikane, Keisuke Matsui, Ken Kokubo, Kenichi Kato, Saori Kawaguchi-Imada, Hirokazu Kadobayashi, et al. On the Structural and Vibrational Properties of Solid Endohedral Metallofullerene Li@C60. Inorganics. 2024. 12. 4. 99-99
MISC (11):
江見方敏, 小島慶太, 塩見学, 片山尚幸, 松林和幸, 門林宏和, 河口沙織, 平尾直久, 澤博. Discovery of a low-symmetrized phase including a superconducting phase in CuRh2Se4 under high pressure. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2023. 78. 1
Hirokazu Kadobayashi. 研究室紹介: 物質・材料研究機構 機能性材料研究拠点 超高圧グループ. Crysttal Letters. 2021. 77. 33
Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Hisako Hirai, Yoshitaka Yamamoto. Retention of filled-ice structure of methane hydrate up to 134 GPa. Photon Factory Activity Report 2019(PFACR). 2020. 37. 24
Hirokazu Kadobayashi, Hisako Hirai, Yoshitaka Yamamoto. High-pressure X-ray diffraction study on the phase transition of methane hydrate in water-methane-ammonia system. Photon Factory Activity Report 2019(PFACR). 2020. 37. 74
境毅, 門林宏和, 三守秀門, 中本有紀, 加良勇輔, 八木健彦, 河口沙織, 平尾直久. マルチメガバールにおける圧力スケールの相互比較. 高圧討論会講演要旨集. 2019. 60th
Lectures and oral presentations (50):
(第8回愛媛大学先進超高圧科学研究拠点(PRIUS)シンポジウム 2022)
(第60回高圧討論会 2019)
(第60回高圧討論会 2019)
(第60回高圧討論会 2019)
(第60回高圧討論会 2019)
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2022/03 - 2025/02 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- 2019/04 - 2022/02 National Institute for Materials Science
- 2018/04 - 2019/03 Ehime University Geodynamics Research Center
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 Ehime University Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Awards (6):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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