J-GLOBAL ID:201901016226640150   Update date: Oct. 21, 2021

Makoto Tsuneoka

Makoto Tsuneoka
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords  (5): cell proliferation ,  histone methyl transferase ,  histone demethylase ,  chromatin ,  ribosome
Papers (31):
  • Yuji Tanaka, Akimitsu Konishi, Hideru Obinata, Makoto Tsuneoka. Metformin activates KDM2A to reduce rRNA transcription and cell proliferation by dual regulation of AMPK activity and intracellular succinate level. Scientific Reports. 2019. in press. 1. 18694
  • Okamoto K, Tanaka Y, Ogasawara S, Obuse C, Nakayama JI, Yano H, Tsuneoka M. KDM2A-dependent reduction of rRNA transcription on glucose starvation requires HP1 in cells, including triple-negative breast cancer cells. Oncotarget. 2019. 10. 46. 4743-4760
  • Yuji Tanaka, Makoto Tsuneoka. Control of Ribosomal RNA Transcription by Nutrients. Book title: "Gene Expression and Regulation in Mammalian Cells - Transcription Toward the Establishment of Novel Therapeutics" published by InTech - open science,. 2018. Chapter 2. 25-52
  • Kengo Okamoto, Yuji Tanaka, Makoto Tsuneoka. SF-KDM2A binds to ribosomal RNA gene promoter, reduces H4K20me3 level, and elevates ribosomal RNA transcription in breast cancer cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY. 2017. 50. 4. 1372-1382
  • Komiya K, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Hisatomi T, Sakuragi T, Mitsuoka M, Sato T, Hayashi S, Izumi H, Tsuneoka M, et al. Erratum to "Expression of Mina53, a novel c-Myc target gene, is a favorable prognostic marker in early stage lung cancer" [Lung Cancer 69/2 (2010) 232-238]. Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2016. 101. 148
Books (6):
  • 飢餓応答とリボソームRNA転写
    細胞 2019
  • 「リボソームの機能調節と疾患」
    (日本生化学会編) 2013
  • リボソームRNA遺伝子の転写調節
    (日本生化学会編) 2013
  • 核小体とリボソームRNA転写調節
    細胞工学 2012
  • 早期肺がんの新しい予後因子としてのMyc標的遺伝子mina53
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