Kobayashi, Shun K., Takahiro Yokokura, Yonekura, Kazuya. The QCD phase diagram in the space of imaginary chemical potential via ’t Hooft anomalies. JHEP. 2023. 08. 132-132
YONEKRUA Kazuya. The Anomaly Puzzle in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories. 2013. 68. 8. 538-541
Takahashi Fuminobu, Yanagida T.T., Yonekura Kazuya. 23aSL-8 Gravititational Waves as a Probe of the Gravitino Mass. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008. 63. 2. 12-12
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
Dualities among NS-sector branes in string theory
(QFT and Related Mathematical Aspects 2024 2024)
Cosmic strings from pure Yang-Mills theory
(iBS CTPU-CGA Workshop on Topological Defects, 2023)
Nonsupersymmetric heterotic branes
(CERN-Korea Workshop: Recent Trends in and out of the Swampland 2023)
Classification of topologically nontrivial terms in action
Cosmic strings from pure Yang-Mills theory
(Frontiers in Gravity and Fundamental Physics 2022)