Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2020 - 2023 障害者スポーツを取り入れた体育授業のモデル構築および教育効果の検証
Papers (18):
Kei SHIBAYAMA, Hirotake TOMIOKA, Ryo HAMANAKA, Haruki OGAWA. What is Kosen students learning in physical education classes? - Based on a survey-. International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education 2024. 2024
Consideration of Physical Education Class Incorporating Goal Ball (Report 3) :Awareness of new body knowledge and changing views of disability. 2023. 38. 2. 21-35
Ryo HAMANAKA, Tadashi UNO, Kei SHIBAYAMA, Akira IIBOSHI, Hirofumi KINTAKA, Shiro MORI, Hirotoshi IFUKU. Consideration of Physical Education Class Incorporating Goal Ball (Report 2):Effectiveness and Issues Identified from Multiple Class Implementations. 2023. 61. 31-44