J-GLOBAL ID:201901019243837195
Update date: Jan. 07, 2025
Itakura Mitsuhiro
Itakura Mitsuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Metallic materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2018 - 2023 Modeling-based investigation of mechanism of kink deformation and strengthening
- 2011 - 2016 Exploring the electronic and structural properties of LPSO structures through first-principles-based computational science
Papers (45):
Yamaguchi Masatake, Ebihara Kenichi, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Tsuru Tomohito. Quantitative estimation method of the effect of segregated solute on hydrogen-enhanced decohesion at a grain boundary. Scripta Materialia. 2025. 255. 116366\_1-116366\_5
Kobayashi Keita, Okumura Masahiko, Nakamura Hiroki, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Machida Masahiko, Urata Shingo*, Suzuya Kentaro. Machine learning molecular dynamics reveals the structural origin of the first sharp diffraction peak in high-density silica glasses. Scientific Reports (Internet). 2023. 13. 18721\_1-18721\_12
Yamaguchi Masatake, Ebihara Kenichi, Tsuru Tomohito, Itakura Mitsuhiro. First-principles calculations of hydrogen trapping energy on incoherent interfaces of aluminum alloys. Materials Transactions. 2023. 64. 11. 2553-2559
Yamamoto Yojiro*, Hayakawa Sho*, Okita Taira*, Itakura Mitsuhiro. Meso-timescale atomistic simulations on coalescence process of He bubbles in Fe by SEAKMC method. Computational Materials Science. 2023. 229. 112389\_1-112389\_9
Miyazaki Hidetoshi*, Akatsuka Tatsuyoshi*, Kimura Koji*, Egusa Daisuke*, Sato Yohei*, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Takagi Yasumasa*, Yasui Akira*, Ozawa Kenichi*, Mase Kazuhiko*, et al. Investigation of the electronic structure of the Mg$_{99.2}$Zn$_{0.2}$Y$_{0.6}$ alloy using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Materials Transactions. 2023. 64. 6. 1194-1198
MISC (9):
Tsuru Tomohito, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Yuge Koretaka*, Aoyagi Yoshiteru*, Shimokawa Tomotsugu*, Kubo Momoji*, Ogata Shigenobu*. First-principles modeling for dislocation motion of HEA alloys. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Atomistic and Multiscale Modeling of Mechanics and Multiphysics (ISAM-4) (Internet). 2019. 59-62
Okita Taira*, Itakura Mitsuhiro. Computational modeling of the behavior of nuclear materials, 2; Molecular simulations for nuclear materials; Current situation and future perspective. Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma. 2017. 59. 12. 712-716
Ebihara Kenichi, Kaburaki Hideo, Itakura Mitsuhiro. Atomistic and continuum comparative studies on the stress distribution around a nano-crack on the grain boundary for modeling hydrogen embrittlement of iron. "Hagane No Kikaiteki Tokusei Ni Oyobosu Suiso No Koka To Sono Hyoka" Shimpojium Yokoshu (USB Flash Drive). 2014. 6
Ebihara Kenichi, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Yamaguchi Masatake, Kaburaki Hideo, Suzudo Tomoaki. Evaluation of local stress and local hydrogen concentration at grain boundary using three-dimensional polycrystalline model. Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive). 2010. 6
Yamaguchi Masatake, Ebihara Kenichi, Itakura Mitsuhiro, Suzudo Tomoaki, Kaburaki Hideo. First-principles study of the grain-boundary embrittlement of metals. Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive). 2010. 4
Lectures and oral presentations (159):
Analysis of high-temperature specific heat anomalies in fluorite structures using machine learning molecular dynamics
First-principles calculations of the incoherent interfacial debonding by hydrogen trapping in aluminum alloy
Evaluation of physical properties of plutonium dioxide using machine-learning molecular dynamics
Characterization of specific heat anomalies in fluorite structures using local order parameters; Analysis by machine learning molecular dynamics
Quantitative estimation method for segregated solute effects on hydrogen-enhanced decohesion at a grain boundary
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