Hiroki Sakuta, Nobuyuki Magome, Yoshihito Mori, Kenichi Yoshikawa. Negative/positive chemotaxis of a droplet: Dynamic response to a stimulant gas. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2016. 108. 20. 203703
Sakuta Hiroki, Magome Nobuyuki, Mori Yoshihito, Shioi Akihisa, Yoshikawa Kenichi. 3P280 Chemotactic behavior of a liquid droplet:(1) Smelling and running(25. Nonequilibrium state & Biological rhythm,Poster,The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan(BSJ2014)). Seibutsu Butsuri. 2014. 54. 1. S295
L. Wang, L. Liu, N. Magome, K. Agladze, Y. Chen. Influence of patterned topographic features on the formation of cardiac cell clusters and their rhythmic activities. Biofabrication. 2013. 5. 3. 035013
Masatoshi Ichikawa, Fumi Takabatake, Keitaro Miura, Takafumi Iwaki, Nobuyuki Magome, Kenichi Yoshikawa. Controlling negative and positive photothermal migration of centimeter-sized droplets. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2013. 88. 1. 012403-012403
L. Wang, L. Liu, X. Li, N. Magome, K. Agladze, Y. Chen. Multi-electrode monitoring of guided excitation in patterned cardiomyocytes. Microelectronic Engineering. 2013. 111. 267-271
MAGOME Nobuyuki, ISOMURA Akihiro, AGLADZE Konstantin, KOHIRA I. Masahiro, MIURA Keitaro, DATTA Alokmay, YOSHIKAWA Kenichi. Manipulation of a Liquid Droplet by Laser. 2008. 25. 4. 791-791
Sumino Y, Magome N, Yoshikawa K. An oil droplet that spontaneously climbs up stairs. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 2006. 161. 161. 348-351
Watanabe Shun, Matsuda Norihiko, Magome Nobuyuki, Kohira Masahiro, Sumino Yutaka, Isomura Akihiko, Yoshikawa Kenichi. 14aPS-50 Photophoresis of micro-particles towars light source in the gas phase. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2004. 59. 2. 250-250
H Kitahata, N Magome, K Yoshikawa. Convective flow driven by chemical reaction. SLOW DYNAMICS IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS. 2004. 708. 430-431
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