J-GLOBAL ID:201901020341018230
Update date: Dec. 06, 2024
Ohta Tomoe
Ohta Tomoe
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
, Environmental and pharmaceutical development resources
Research keywords (2):
Natural Products Chemistry
, Pharmacognosy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2021 - 2025 Search for natural products that control from melanin production to the degradation via autophagy
- 2020 - 2024 がん化学療法抵抗性改善機能に基づく天然由来新規医薬品シーズの開拓
- 2018 - 2021 精子活性化作用を有する天然物を用いた不妊症治療薬の開発
- 2016 - 2019 Discovery of natural compounds for the treatment of vitiligo and elucidation of their mechanism of action
Papers (69):
Takahiro Matsumoto, Miho Hamai, Yayako Inui, Tomoe Ohta, Tatsusada Yoshida, Naoto Kojima, Hayato Yoshikawa, Raku Kutose, Shiori Ando, Tetsushi Watanabe. Chemical structures of polyketides and alkaloids isolated from a culture of fungus Curvularia moringae. Fitoterapia. 2024. 106263-106263
Takahiro Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsumoto, Tomoe Ohta, Tatsusada Yoshida, Youhei Saito, Yuji Nakayama, Yuki Hadate, Eishi Ashihara, Tetsushi Watanabe. Linderapyrone analogue LPD-01 as a cancer treatment agent by targeting importin7. Journal of Natural Medicines. 2024
Takahiro Matsumoto, Erika Ohnishi, Masaya Okayama, Tomoe Ohta, Tatsusada Yoshida, Shiori Ando, Raku Kutose, Takahiro Kitagawa, Tetsushi Watanabe. Chemical structures and cell-death-inducing activities of metabolites produced by Penicillium maximae. Tetrahedron Letters. 2024. 134. 154851-154851
Kensuke Nakajima, Shinya Okubo, Tomoe Ohta, Takuhiro Uto, Shigeru Oiso. Upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by Shiikuwasha (Citrus depressa Hayata). Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences. 2023. 9. 1
Akihiro Ochi, Shunsuke Fujii, Tomoe Ohta, Takuhiro Uto, Poomraphie Nuntawong, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Satoshi Morimoto, Seiichi Sakamoto. Highly sensitive indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on a monoclonal antibody against saikosaponin b2 for quality control of Kampo medicines containing Bupleuri radix. Journal of Natural Medicines. 2023
MISC (49):
大西英里加, 松本崇宏, 北川翔大, 岡山真也, 中村誠宏, 太田智絵, 吉田達貞, 渡辺徹志. Search for cancer stem cells proliferation inhibitory active substances in stems and rhizomes of Sinomenium acutum. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd
岡山真也, 松本崇宏, 大西英里加, 北川翔大, 太田智絵, 吉田達貞, 渡辺徹志. Azaphilones as the heat shock protein inhibitors produced by Penicillium maximae. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd
齋藤千寿, 松本崇宏, 北川翔大, 太田智絵, 吉田達貞, 渡辺徹志. Antiproliferative activity of the alkaloids isolated from Sinomenium acutum against cancer stem cells. 衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー講演要旨集. 2022. 2022
松本崇宏, 北川翔大, 今堀大輔, 太田智絵, 吉田達貞, 芦原英司, 渡辺徹志. クロモジ含有成分linderapyroneの化学構造,合成,およびwnt/β-catenin経路阻害活性評価. 日本生薬学会年会講演要旨集. 2021. 67th
藤井 俊輔, 江浜 里帆, 太田 智絵, 正山 征洋, 宇都 拓洋. オノニンおよびホルモノネチンに対するモノクローナル抗体作製と免疫化学的分析手法の確立. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2020. 140年会. 26P-pm222
Patents (3):
Books (2):
ファルマシア(日本薬学会) 2019
メディシナルレポート: 茶花(Camellia sinensis, 花部)の食欲抑制作用成分
日本メディカルハーブ協会 2018
Lectures and oral presentations (54):
サイコサポニン b2に対するモノクローナル抗体の作製および間接競合ELISAへの応用
(日本生薬学会第69回年会(宮城) 2023)
オオツヅラフジ (Sinomenium acutum) 茎および根茎中のがん幹細胞増殖抑制活性物質の探索
(日本薬学会第143年会(北海道) 2023)
(日本薬学会第143年会(北海道) 2023)
(日本薬学会第143年会(北海道) 2023)
(日本薬学会第143年会(北海道) 2023)
Education (3):
- 2013 - 2017 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
- 2016 - 2016 Washington State University Institute of Biological Chemistry
- 2007 - 2013 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacy
Work history (3):
- 2024/01 - 現在 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Laboratory of Pharmacognosy Lecturer
- 2021/04 - 2023/12 Nagasaki International University
- 2017/04 - 2021/03 Nagasaki International University The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Committee career (1):
- 2024/04 - 現在 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (CPB) Editorial Board Member
Awards (3):
- 2022/06 - 長崎国際大学 ベストティーチャー表彰 ベストプラクティス部門(研究活動)
- 2022/04 - 長崎国際大学 学長特別表彰
- 2021/04 - 長崎国際大学 学長特別表彰
Association Membership(s) (2):
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