J-GLOBAL ID:201901020623176327   Update date: Apr. 27, 2024

Sugiyama Ryuichi

Sugiyama Ryuichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (2): Local studies ,  History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords  (4): Shiism ,  Sacred Places and Mausoleums in Iran ,  Iranian Studies ,  Iranian History
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2018 - 2023 近現代イランにおける聖地・聖廟の変容
  • 2004 - 2006 イラン・イスラーム共和国パヤーメヌール大学留学
Papers (9):
  • SUGIYAMA Ryuichi. Vasīlat al-reżvān : Book of Emām Reżā’s Miracles Compiled in the Late Safavid Period. Oriental Culture. 2023. 103. 107-131
  • SUGIYAMA, Ryuichi. Waqf-related Sources on the Imām Riżā Shrine during the Qajarid Period. Journal of Asian and African Studies, Supplement. 2022. 1. 111-127
  • The Mausoleum of Emam Reza during the Afsharid Period: A Consideration of its Organization and Administration in the 18th Century Based on the Ṭūmār-e ‘Alīshāhī (Scroll of 'Ali Shah) (II). The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. 2021. 178. 436(1)-396(41)
  • SUGIYAMA Ryuichi. The Mausoleum of Emam Reza during the Afsharid Period: A Consideration of its Organization and Administration in the 18th Century Based on the Ṭūmār-e ‘Alīshāhī (Scroll of 'Ali Shah) (I). The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. 2020. 177. 230(139)-191(178)
  • The Mausoleum of Imam Reza under the Islamic Republic of Iran: The Administration and Activities of the Twelver Shiite Imamate Mausoleum in Iran. Journal of Islamic Area Studies. 2019. 11. 60-84
MISC (11):
  • SUGIYAMA Ryuichi. Noṣrat Amīn : A Female Shiite ʿOlamā who Lived in the 20th Century Iran. Bulletin of Institute for Women's History and Culture, Kyoto Tachibana University. 2023. 32. 138(1)-127(12)
  • 杉山隆一. アジアの歴史と現在. 極東証券株式会社寄附講座 慶應義塾大学文学部公開講座2019 文学部のひらく世界. 2020. 26-35
  • 杉山隆一. イランにおけるシーア派聖廟の発展 -第8代イマーム、レザーの廟を事例に-. 歴史と地理. 2018. 713. 51-54
  • Sugiyama Ryuichi. Book Review:MORIKAWA Tomoko and Christoph WERNER (eds.), Vestiges of the Razavi Shrine -Athar al-Razaviya: a Catalogue of Endowments and Deeds to the Shrine of Imam Riza in Mashhad, Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko, 2017. The World of Islam. 2018. 90. 71-79
  • Book Review: Christoph Werner, Vaqf en Iran: Aspects Culturels, Religieux et Sociaux, Leuven: Peeters Press, 2015. Annals of Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies. 2018. 34. 1. 113-117
Books (5):
  • Encyclopedia of Muslim Cultures
    2023 ISBN:9784621307663
  • Movie "Ballad of a White Cow" Pamphlet
  • 侠の歴史 西洋編 上 + 中東編
    清水書院 2020 ISBN:9784389501242
  • International seminar on Islam and multiculturalism : history, challenges and prospects
    Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University 2017 ISBN:9784908428104
  • Post-revolutionary Iranian cinema and society
    The National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Program, Islamic Area Studies Center, Organization for Islamic Area Studies at Waseda University 2014 ISBN:9784904039847
Lectures and oral presentations  (21):
  • Organization and Administration of the Emam Reza Mausoleum during the Afsharid Period
    (International Workshop “From the Mashhad Archives: Eighteenth Century Documents on Iran and Afghanistan”. organized by Islamic Trust Studies Group B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy" 2024)
  • Tarikh-e Astan-e Qods-e Razavi az Manzar-e Yek Mohaqqeq-e Zhaponi (in Persian)
    (Selsele-ye neshast'ha-ye zhapon-shenashi-ye doshanbe'ha-ye akhar-e mah, neshaste-ye bistom, Daneshkade-ye motale'at-e jahan, Daneshgah-e Tehran (Faculty of World Studies, Univesity of Tehran) 2022)
  • サファヴィー朝最末期におけるイマーム・レザーの奇蹟譚をめぐって
    (東文研シンポジウム「ムハンマドの血筋とムスリム:預言者一族をめぐる多様な語りと語り手たち」 2021)
  • ガージャール朝期のイマーム ・レザー廟
    (東京外国語大学アジアアフリカ言語文化研究所 共同利用・共同研究課題「イスラーム聖者廟の財産管理に関する史料学的研究」2019年度公開研究会「アルダビール再考:前近代イランにおけるタリーカ・聖者廟・都市」 2020)
  • Vaqf and Modernization in Iran: A Case of the Mausoleum of Emam Reza under the Islamic Republic of Iran
    (Cross-Cultural and Comparative Study of Donation, Endowment and Benefit (A joint symposium by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and Toyo Bunko, Japan) 2020)
Professional career (1):
  • Ph. D in History (Keio University)
Work history (9):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities Joint Researcher
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Kyoto Tachibana University Department of History, Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor
  • 2022/04 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Joint Researcher
  • 2018/04 - 2024/03 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Joint Researcher
  • 2019/04 - 2022/03 The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Project Researcher
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Awards (1):
  • 2021/06 - The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the Islamic Republic of Iran The Razavi Scholar Award, the 19th Emam Reza International Festival
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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