J-GLOBAL ID:201901021431148660
Update date: Aug. 28, 2024
Mineta shinshiro
Mineta shinshiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Junior Associate Professor
Research keywords (6):
, リコンディショニング
, Rehabilitation
, アスレティックリハビリテーション
, Biomechanics
, Ankle
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2021 - 2026 身体接触及び認知負荷を伴う動作中の内がえし捻挫受傷予防トレーニングの開発
- 2018 - 2020 足関節内反捻挫の危険動作とその要因の検討
Papers (14):
Akane Yoshimura, Masaaki Honda, Shinshiro Mineta, Kenichiro Murata, Norikazu Hirose. Reliability of ultrasonographic measurement of muscle and tendon morphology using the overlapping images method. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (in press). 2024
Shinshiro Mineta, Takeshi Koyama, Shota Yamaguchi, Honoka Inagaki, Yuta Sekine. Epidemiology of lateral ankle sprain focusing on indirect contact mechanism in male and female soccer players: An 18.5-month cohort study. Injury. 2024. 111699-111699
Noriko Kimura, Etsuko Maeshima, Akiko Ikeshima, Sayaka Tomokane, Shinshiro Mineta, Minori Mitsui, Wakana Sasakabe. Changes of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Body Composition, and Physical Functions of Older Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Follow-Up Study. International Journal of Gerontology. 2023. 17. 4. 258-262
Shinshiro Mineta, Mako Fukano, Norikazu Hirose. Less impact absorption at the ankle joint is related to the single-leg landing stability deficit in patients with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Biomechanics. 2023. 149. 111509-111509
Higashihara A, Jurdan M, Ono T, Nagano Y, Sasaki S, Mineta S, Hirose N. Neuromuscular responses of the hamstring and lumbopelvic muscles during unanticipated trunk perturbations. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2021. 40. 4. 1-11
MISC (3):
Lectures and oral presentations (16):
(第5回足の構造と機能研究会 2024)
PAASS frameworkに基づく足関節外側靭帯損傷後の復帰基準
(第 33 回日本臨床スポーツ医学会学術集会 2022)
(第76回日本体力医学会大会 2021)
(第30回日本臨床スポーツ医学会学術集会 2019)
An increasing knee varus angle is a risk factor for lateral ankle sprain during single leg landing -16 months cohort study-.
Professional career (1):
Awards (4):
- 2019/07 - European College of Sport Science 2019 ECSS Young Investigators Award(Oral, Finalist) Increased knee varus angle as a risk factor for lateral ankle sprains during single-leg landings -16-month cohort study
- 2018/11 - Fascia Research society Fifth International Fascia Research Congress. Clinical relevance in Fascia research 2nd prize
- 2017/12 - NSCAジャパン 最優秀ポスター賞 Supine Bridge時の股関節外転角度の違いが大臀筋上部線維・下部線維の筋活動に与える影響
- 2016/05 - 日本トレーニング指導者学会 若手科学的研究奨励賞
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