J-GLOBAL ID:202001001257215833
Update date: Dec. 04, 2024
Yamashiro Hideaki
ヤマシロ ヒデアキ | Yamashiro Hideaki
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Zoological sciences
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
- 2023 - 2026 放射線被ばくと肥満による精巣分化過程別感受性比較と雄性生殖機能への影響
- 2022 - 2025 Analysis of in vivo kinics of radioactive substances based on teeth and estimation of exposure history
- 2023 - 2025 種の壁を越えた異種代理母出産技術の開発による次の超生体医工学の開拓
- 2022 - 2025 マウス体内における異種配偶子産生システムの開発とその家畜への応用
- 2019 - 2024 Investigations of the effect of the world's highest level of natural radioactivity on reproductive activity of wild and domestic animals in Kerala, India
- 2020 - 2023 低線量被ばくが生殖細胞へ与える影響と再現可能な継世代実験系の構築
- 2019 - 2022 放射線被ばくと糖尿病の二重ストレスの生体影響解析
- 2018 - 2021 Generation interspecies germ cell and reproductive organ in the mice by nobel experimental system
- 2014 - 2018 Analysis of biokinetics and effects of internally deposited radionuclides in animals by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident
- 2015 - 2018 Transgenerational effects associated with radiation exposure in bulls after Fukushima accident
- 2012 - 2014 Efficiency of chicken transgenesis injected PiggyBac transposase plasmids into blastoderm
- 2007 - 2008 受精可能なラット精子の大量保存技術の確立
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Papers (59):
Tokita S, Nakayama R, Fujishima Y, Goh VST, Anderson D, Uemura I, Ikema H, Shibata J, Kinoshita Y, Shimizu Y, Shinoda H, Goto J, Palmerini MG, Hatha AM, Satoh T, Nakata A, Fukumoto M, Miura T, Yamashiro H. Potential radiosensitive germline biomarkers in the testes of wild mice after the Fukushima accident. FEBS Open Bio. 2024
Uemura I., Takahashi-Suzuki N., Kuroda S., Kumagai K., Tsutsumi Y., Anderson D., Satoh T., Yamashiro H., Miura T., Yamauchi K., et al. Effects of low-dose rate radiation on immune and epigenetic regulation of the mouse testes. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2024. 200. 16-18. 1620-1624
Gatti M, Belli M, De Rubeis M, Tokita S, Ikema H, Yamashiro H, Fujishima Y, Anderson D, Goh VST, Shinoda H, Nakata A, Fukumoto M, Miura T, Nottola SA, Macchiarelli G, Palmerini MG. Ultrastructural Analysis of Large Japanese Field Mouse (Apodemus speciosus) Testes Exposed to Low-Dose-Rate (LDR) Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Biology. 2024. 13. 4. 239-239
Nihei K, Tokita S, Iwasaki T, Murata K, Yamashiro H, Goh VST, Nakayama R, Fujishima Y, Kino Y, Shimizu Y, Shinoda H, Ariyoshi K, Kasai K, Abe Y, Fukumoto M, Nakata A, Miura T. Evaluation of sperm fertilization capacity of large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) exposed to chronic low dose-rate radiation after the Fukushima accident. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. 2022. 15. 3. 186-190
Komatsu K, Murata K, Iwasaki T, Tokita S, Yonekura S, Sugimura S, Fujishima Y, Nakata A, Miura T, Yamashiro H. Changes in ovarian morphology and hormone concentrations associated with reproductive seasonality in wild large Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus). Animal Reproduction. 2021. 18. 4. e20210067
MISC (57):
米倉 詩菜, 時田 駿, 二瓶 和, 平山 瑠那, 村田 康輔, 岩崎 亜美, 山城 秀昭. マウス卵成熟過程におけるCDC42と紡錘体の動態解析. Journal of Mammalian Ova Research. 2021. 38. 1. S25-S25
小野 拓実, 木野 康志, 高橋 温, 鈴木 敏彦, 清水 良央, 千葉 美麗, 藤嶋 洋平, Goh Valerie, 有吉 健太郎, 中田 章史, et al. 野生動物と実験動物を用いた放射線生物影響解明のための多元的アプローチ 福島県浪江町に生息する野生動物の臓器の放射性セシウム濃度測定と内部被ばく線量推定(Pluralistic approach to elucidating radiobiological effects using wild and experimental animals Radioactive cesium concentration measurements and internal exposure dose rates estimation for wild animals in Namie Town, Fukushima). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2020. 63回. 39-39
高橋 温, 小野 拓実, 小荒井 一真, 岡 壽崇, 清水 良央, 千葉 美麗, 鈴木 敏彦, 有吉 健太郎, 葛西 宏介, 中田 章史, et al. 野生動物と実験動物を用いた放射線生物影響解明のための多元的アプローチ 歯は個体被ばく量を評価するうえで有用である(Pluralistic approach to elucidating radiobiological effects using wild and experimental animals Teeth can be a useful dosimetric tool for estimating internal radiation exposure in individuals). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2020. 63回. 39-39
藤嶋 洋平, 中田 章史, Goh Valerie, 葛西 宏介, 有吉 健太郎, 鈴樹 亨純, 山城 秀昭, 篠田 壽, 鈴木 正敏, 吉田 光明, et al. 野生動物と実験動物を用いた放射線生物影響解明のための多元的アプローチ 福島県の放射線汚染地域に生息する種々の野生動物における染色体解析(Pluralistic approach to elucidating radiobiological effects using wild and experimental animals Assessment of chromosome aberrations in wild animals in Fukushima). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2020. 63回. 40-40
岩崎 亜美, 村田 康輔, 山城 秀昭, Goh Valerie, 中山 亮, 藤嶋 洋平, 小野 拓実, 木野 康志, 清水 良央, 高橋 温, et al. 野生動物と実験動物を用いた放射線生物影響解明のための多元的アプローチ 被災アライグマにおける生殖機能への影響評価(Pluralistic approach to elucidating radiobiological effects using wild and experimental animals Morphological reproductive characteristics of gonad and fertilization capacity of raccoon(Procyon lotor) cryopreserved sperm after the Fukushima accident). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2020. 63回. 40-40
Education (3):
- 2006 - 2009 Tohoku University Graduate School of Agricultural Science
- 2004 - 2006 Hiroshima University
- 1994 - 1999 Rakuno Gakuen University Faculty of Dairy Science
Work history (6):
- 2024/03 - 現在 Niigata University Field Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry Faculty of Agriculture
- 2018/06 - 2024/02 Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture
- 2011/04 - 2018/05 Niigata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology
- 2009/05 - 2011/03 ハワイ大学 Institute for Biogenesis Research
- 2007/04 - 2009/03 日本学術振興会,日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 2002/04 - 2004/07 国際協力機構 青年海外協力隊,ボツワナ国 家畜飼育
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