J-GLOBAL ID:202001001514360505
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024
Gathuka Lincoln
ガトゥカ リンカーン | Gathuka Lincoln
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Geotechnical engineering
Research keywords (4):
Sustainable Soil Management
, Ground Improvement
, Geogenic Contamination
, Attenuation Layer Method
Papers (12):
Purbashree Sarmah, Takeshi Katsumi, Atsushi Takai, Lincoln W. Gathuka, Atsushi Yamawaki. Leaching behavior of inert waste landfills. Waste Management. 2024. 182. 32-41
Tomohiro Kato, Atsushi Takai, Yu Zhang, Lincoln W. Gathuka, Takeshi Katsumi, Yosuke Kinoshita. Geosynthetic sorption sheet-Another function of geosynthetics?. Geosynthetics: Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet. 2023. 1527-1533
Yu Zhang, Yosuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Kato, Lincoln W Gathuka, Atsushi Takai, Takeshi Katsumi. Effect of pH on arsenic removal performance of hydrotalcite-coated geosynthetic sorption sheet. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG2023). 2023. 1. 417-424
Tomohiro Kato, Lincoln W Gathuka, Atsushi Takai, Takeshi Katsumi. Evaluation of sorptive materials for attenuation layer: Opportunities for batch sorption tests. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG2023). 2023. 1. 332-338
Tomohiro Kato, Atsushi Takai, Yusuke Iwata, Lincoln W. Gathuka, Takeshi Katsumi. Evaluating temperature effects on leaching behavior of geogenic arsenic and boron from crushed excavated rocks using shaking and nonshaking batch tests. Soils and Foundations. 2023. 63. 1. 101274-101274
MISC (15):
緒方里帆, GATHUKA Lincoln W., 加藤智大, 高井敦史, 勝見武. Evaluating the effects of dissolved calcium and iron in hydraulic conductivity of attenuation layer. 地盤工学研究発表会(Web). 2023. 58th
笠井遥, GATHUKA Lincoln W., 加藤智大, 高井敦史, 勝見武. Compaction characteristics and attenuation performances of soil amended with Ca/Mg stabilising agent of different particle sizes. 環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集(CD-ROM). 2021. 14th
加藤智大, 正木佑典, GATHUKA Lincoln W., 高井敦史, 勝見武. Arsenic leaching behaviour of excavated rock under anaerobic conditions. 地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会講演集(Web). 2021. 26th
奈佐原寅太郎, TANG Jiajie, 加藤智大, GATHUKA Lincoln W., 高井敦史, 勝見武. 液固比バッチ試験による脱着反応に着目したヒ素の溶出特性評価. 土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集(Web). 2021. 2021
Kato Tomohiro, Masaki Yusuke, Gathuka Lincoln W., Takai Atsushi, Katsumi Takeshi. Anaerobic batch leaching tests of shale rock grains. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication (Web). 2021. 9. 7
Work history (1):
- 2022/05 - 現在 Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Researcher
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