J-GLOBAL ID:202001002912832006   Update date: Sep. 24, 2024

Tanabe Hiroshi

タナベ ヒロシ | Tanabe Hiroshi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://tanuki.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Research field  (3): Nuclear fusion ,  Basic plasma science ,  Basic plasma science
Research keywords  (5): plasma physics ,  spherical tokamak ,  magnetic reconnection ,  plasma diagnostics ,  computer tomography
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2023 - 2026 Optimization of ultra-high power reconnection heating by tokamak merging experiments and simulations
  • 2024 - 2026 無衝突プラズマ実験環境における合体生成球状トカマクの加速・加熱構造形成現象の解明
  • 2022 - 2025 合体生成球状トカマクにおけるポロイダル非対称性を有する大域的構造形成現象の解明
  • 2020 - 2025 Development of Rapid Startup and Ignition Method for High-Beta Spherical Tokamaks by Use of Ultra-High Power Merging Heating
  • 2020 - 2023 Exploration of merging spherical tokamak formation scenario and its connection to steady/burning regime using ultra-high field reconnection heating
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Papers (57):
  • H. Tanabe, Y. Cai, H. Tanaka, T. Ahmadi, M. Inomoto, Y. Ono. Ion heating/transport characteristics of the merging startup plasma scenario in the TS-6 spherical tokamak. Nuclear Fusion. 2024
  • T. Ahmadi, Y. Ono, Y. Cai, H. Tanabe. MHD-FiT: MHD-based dynamic reconstruction of tokamak plasma configuration. Nuclear Fusion. 2024
  • M. Inomoto, T. Suzuki, H. Jin, Y. Maeda, Y. Togo, S. Cho, H. Tanabe, Y. Ono, E. Kawamori, S. Usami, et al. The role of an in-plane electric field during the merging formation of spherical tokamak plasmas. Nuclear Fusion. 2024. 64. 8. 086060-086060
  • Yasushi Ono, Hiroshi Tanabe, Michiaki Inomoto. Ion heating characteristics of merging spherical tokamak plasmas for burning high-beta plasma formation. Nuclear Fusion. 2024
  • S. Kamiya, H. Yamaguchi, J. Kim, M. Akimitsu, S. Himeno, H. Tanabe, K. Narihara, Y. Ono. Design and development of a single-laser 2D Thomson scattering measurement system for TS-6 merging tokamak/magnetic reconnection experiments. Journal of Instrumentation. 2024
MISC (94):
  • 土井久瑠美, 秋光萌, CAI Yunhan, 田辺博士, 小野靖. Plasmoid Dynamics of Current Sheet in TS-6 Tokamak Merging Experiments. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2022. 39th
  • 成影典之, 岡光夫, 深沢泰司, 松崎恵一, 渡辺伸, 坂尾太郎, 萩野浩一, 三石郁之, 水野恒史, 篠原育, et al. 磁気リコネクションに伴う粒子加速の理解を目指す衛星計画PhoENiXの進捗報告(2021年秋). 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集. 2021. 2021
  • 染谷諒, 中右樹, CAI Yunhan, 田辺博士, 小野靖. Experimental study of ion acceleration and heating mechanisms of magnetic reconnection by use of probe array type ion velocity distribution function measurement. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2021. 38th
  • 田中遥暁, 田辺博士, 小野靖. Multi-scale ion heating during high guide field reconnection using ST merging. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2021. 38th
  • 秋光萌, CAO Q., CAI U., 三木景介, 山口遥, 神谷駿, 染谷諒, 田中遥暁, 田辺博士, 小野靖. Mechanism of plasmoid formation in TS-6 tokamak merging experiment. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2021. 38th
Lectures and oral presentations  (25):
  • Particle acceleration heating of high guide field reconnection in merging spherical tokamak formation experiments
    (Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory in Space (IPELS-16) 2024)
  • 球状トカマク合体生成シナリオ研究の最近の進展
    (第19回QUEST研究会 2024)
  • Asymmetric fine structure formation of guide field reconnection in merging spherical tokamak formation experiments
    (7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics 2023)
  • High field particle acceleration/heating experiment in keV regime
    (MR2023 Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection 2023)
  • Recent Progress of Merging Spherical Tokamak Formation Experiments ~ Global-scale Ion Heating/Transport during Magnetic Reconnection ~
    (20th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2022) 2022)
Education (2):
  • - 2013 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Advanced Energy
  • - 2008 Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Department of System Design Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(科学)
Work history (3):
  • 2021/09 - 現在 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 准教授
  • 2014 - 2021/08 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Assistant Professor
  • 2013 - 2014 JSPS postdoctoral research fellow (PD)
Awards (5):
  • 2023/03 - 核融合エネルギーフォーラム 2022年度吉川允二記念核融合エネルギー奨励賞 NBIフリーイオン温度計測を用いたセンターソレノイドフリー立ち上げシナリオの研究
  • 2021/09 - Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) Division of Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP) AAPPS-DPP Young Researcher (U40) Award
  • 2019/12 - プラズマ・核融合学会 第36回年会 若手学会発表賞(正会員部門) 超解像イオンドップラートモグラフィを用いた高磁場合体・磁気リコネクションのイオン加熱・輸送過程の研究
  • 2018/06 - 第12回核融合エネルギー連合講演会 若手優秀発表賞 TS-3U装置における超解像イオンドップラートモグラフィ計測を用いた合体リコネクション加熱輸送過程の研究
  • 2015/11 - プラズマ・核融合学会 第20回学術奨励賞 スカラー・ベクトルトモグラフィを応用した2次元イオンドップラー温度・流速計の開発
Association Membership(s) (3):
Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) ,  American Physical Society (APS) ,  プラズマ・核融合学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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