Research field (3):
, Education - general
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (1):
English Education, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, English Writing, First-language Use, Machine Translation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2025 母語使用と機械翻訳を融合した外国語ライティング教育に関する研究
Papers (16):
Kayo Tsuji. Pre-editing Rule Developed for Higher-quality Target Language Texts(in printing). Journal of Modern Languages. 2024. 34. 2
Kayo Tsuji. Identifying MT Errors for Higher-quality Target Language Writing. International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics. 2024. 6. 1. 1-17
Kayo TSUJI, Kiyo OKAMOTO. Improving the Process of L1 Paraphrasing Independent Language Learning on L1 Paraphrasing: Using Machine Translation as a Support Tool. Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education. 2022. 44. 2. pp. 95-105
Kayo TSUJI. The Effects of L1 Paraphrasing on L2 Writing: Focusing on Pre-editing Activity for Machine Translation. 2022. 73. pp.33-49
Kayo Tsuji. Effects of L1 Use on L2 Text Quality: Rethinking Cognitive Process of Formulating L1 Texts during L2 Writing. English Language Teaching (Canadian Center of Science and Education). 2021. 14. 7. pp.44-57
Kayo Tsuji, Kiyo Okamoto. Independent Language Learning on L1 paraphrasing -Using Machine Translation as a Support Tool-. 外国語教育メディア学会 第61回全国研究大会予稿集. 2022
Kayo TSUJI. First-language Use as a Second-language Writing Strategy: A Classroom-based Examination of its Effect on Students’ Argumentative Writing Achievement. The2019 WERA Focal Meeting 国際学会研究発表予稿集. 2019