Research keywords (1):
literature, nature, missionaries, Japanese literature by non-Japanese, Catholic faith in Japan, Petitjean Edition, De Rotz Prints, T'ou-se-we workshop
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2021 - 2026 The Cultural Impact of the Shanghai Tushanwan Missionary Orphanage in Japan
2022 - 2023 宣教師の日本語文学 研究と目録
2014 - 2019 キリシタン文学の継承:宣教師の日本語文学
2010 - 2014 上海語変遷における自然環境と文化環境の役割
2010 - 2011 テレビ・ドラマ『姿三四郎』が中国社会に与えた影響に関する研究
Papers (16):
郭南燕. AI 時代だからこその「人文科学」. 文芸研究:明治大学文学部紀要. 2024. 153. 5-12
Nanyn Guo. A Flow of Christian Images from the Shanghai Jesuits to the Paris Foreign Missions in Japan: Imitation, Alteration, and Returning to the Roots. Journal of Jesuit Studies. 2023. 10. 4. 605-639
Internationalization of the Japanese Language in Interwar Period Japan (1920 - 1940): Foreign Missionaries and Writers. Japanese Studies around the World. 2017. 2017. 335-347
Making Xavier's Dream Real : Vernacular Writings of Catholic Missionaries in Modern Japan
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture 2020 ISBN:9784866581347