Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2019 - 2022 A new development of an interface-reinforcing poly acid-RMGI adhesive system for secure bonding to finishing-irradiated dentin by Er:YAG laser
2015 - 2018 Analysis of characteristics of finishing-irradiated dentin by Er:YAG laser and development of new poly acid-RMGI adhesive system
Papers (15):
Takeguchi A, Inoue K, Horie T, Niwa Y, Sugita Y, Yamada M, Maeda H, Tomoda S, Fujitani M. Development of a Novel Optimal Resin-bonding System for Er:YAG Laser-irradiated Dentin: Effects of 3-step Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Bonding System Incorporating Acid-conditioning and Priming on Initial Bond Strength to Er:YAG Laser-irradiated Dentin and its Durability after Thermal Loading. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology. 2020. 29. 4. 239-246
Hosoya N, Takigawa T, Horie T, Maeda H, Yamamoto Y, Momoi Y, Yamamoto K, Okiji T. A review of the literature on the efficacy of mineral trioxide aggregate in conservative dentistry. Dent Mater J. 2019. 38. 5. 693-700
Bond Strengths of Various Resin Cements to CAD/CAM Resin Blocks and/or Dentin:-The Performance of Bonding to Each Substrate and Both Adherents-. 2018. 61. 3. 178-189
International College of Dentists
, Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry (JSLD)
, Japan Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
, 愛知学院大学歯学会
, Japan Society for Adhesive Dentistry
, The Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry (JSCD)