J-GLOBAL ID:202001005293623536   Update date: May. 09, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Nutrition and health science
Research keywords  (3): 筋機能 ,  走行 ,  歩行
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2023 - 2025 筋電図測定に基づく腸腰筋の歩行立脚期後半の役割再考ー床面の蹴り出しに着目してー
Papers (64):
  • Takumi Jiroumaru, Yutaro Hyodo, Kenji Mori, Tomoka Hattori, Michio Wachi, Nobuko Shichiri, Takamitsu Fujikawa. Relationship between respiratory muscle strength and dynamic balance in older persons requiring care or support: Focusing on the maximal single step length test and maximal double step length test as dynamic balance indices. Gait & posture. 2024. 109. 64-69
  • Michio Wachi, Takumi Jiroumaru, Ayako Satonaka, Masae Ikeya, Nobuko Shichiri, Junko Ochi, Yutaro Hyodo, Takamitsu Fujikawa. Four minutes of capacitive and resistive electric transfer therapy increased jump performance. Electromagnetic biology and medicine. 2023. 42. 4. 1-6
  • Yutaro Hyodo, Takumi Jiroumaru, Kenji Mori, Tomoka Hattori, Yasumasa Oka, Minoru Kuroda, Junko Ochi, Nobuko Shichiri, Takamitsu Fujikawa. Comparison of the effect of respiratory muscle strength on dynamic and static balance assessment between sarcopenia and non-sarcopenia groups. Journal of physical therapy science. 2023. 35. 10. 703-707
  • Yuta MURATA, Michio WACHI, Takumi JIROMARU, Hitoshi ONISHI, Ryo FUJITANI, Shinichi NOGUCHI, Moritoshi FURU. The Effect of Life KinetikR Training on Visual Function. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2023. 38. 4. 289-293
  • Kohei Yoshikawa, Takumi Jiroumaru, Masae Ikeya, Yutaro Hyodo, Yasumasa Oka. Relationships between Physical Functions Involved in the 30-m Sprint and Standing Broad Jump in Junior High School Baseball Players. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2023. 38. 4. 241-247
Lectures and oral presentations  (30):
  • 不良姿勢が歩行時の体幹・股関節筋活動に及ぼす影響
    (理学療法学 2019)
  • 歩行様式の違いによる股関節屈筋群の筋活動パターン変化 歩幅増大のための腸腰筋の役割
    (理学療法学 2019)
  • Changes in hip flexor activities by differences in gait pattern: Role of iliopsoas in improving stride length
    (World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019 2019)
  • 小趾外転筋の表面筋電図貼り付け領域の検討
    (近畿理学療法学術大会 2019)
  • 歩行様式の違いによる股関節屈筋群の筋活動パターン変化-歩幅増大のための腸腰筋の役割-
    (日本理学療法学術大会(Web) 2019)
Education (3):
  • 2012 - 2016 Ritsumeikan University
  • 2008 - 2010 大阪体育大学大学院 スポーツ科学研究科 博士前期課程
  • 2001 - 2005 滋賀医療技術専門学校 理学療法学科
Professional career (1):
  • スポーツ健康科学博士 (立命館大学)
Work history (6):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Bukkyo University School of Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy
  • 2020/04 - 2022/03 Biwako Professional University of Rehabilitation
  • 2011/04 - 2022/03 佛教大学 保健医療技術学部 理学療法学科 非常勤講師
  • 2017/10 - 2020/03 Biwako-Gakuin University
  • 2011/04 - 2020/03 滋賀医療技術専門学校 理学療法学科 専任教員
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