J-GLOBAL ID:202001005401385345   Update date: Apr. 24, 2024


Research field  (4): Bacteriology ,  Virology ,  Immunology ,  Pharmacology
Research keywords  (6): Vaccine ,  Allergy ,  Infectology ,  Immunology ,  消化器 ,  Pharmacology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2021 - 2023 治療戦略創出を目指したSARS-CoV-2経肺感染モデルマウスに関する基盤研究
Papers (20):
  • Yuki Murayama, Mayumi Tabuchi, Daichi Utsumi, Kei Naruse, Kouga Tokuyama, Ayana Ikedo, Emina Morimasa, Shinichi Kato, Kenjiro Matsumoto. Role of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 channels in an ovalbumin-induced murine food allergic model. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 2024
  • Shihoko Kimura-Ohba, Masamitsu N Asaka, Daichi Utsumi, Yoshitsugu Takabatake, Atsushi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Yasutomi, Yoshitaka Isaka, Tomonori Kimura. d-Alanine as a biomarker and a therapeutic option for severe influenza virus infection and COVID-19. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease. 2023. 1869. 1. 166584-166584
  • Kayoko Nagata, Daichi Utsumi, Masamitsu N Asaka, Ryota Maeda, Kotaro Shirakawa, Yasuhiro Kazuma, Ryosuke Nomura, Yoshihito Horisawa, Yohei Yanagida, Yugo Kawai, et al. Intratracheal trimerized nanobody cocktail administration suppresses weight loss and prolongs survival of SARS-CoV-2 infected mice. Communications medicine. 2022. 2. 1. 152-152
  • Daichi Utsumi. Japanese Cedar Pollen Allergens in Japan. Current protein & peptide science. 2022
  • Akira Hasegawa, Daichi Utsumi, Kaare Lund, Mitsuhiro Okano, Katsuyo Ohashi-Doi, Kimihiro Okubo. Correlation between sensitization to house dust mite major allergens, age, and symptoms in Japanese house dust mite allergic subjects. International immunopharmacology. 2022. 107. 108640-108640
MISC (32):
  • 土井 雅津代, 内海 大知, 鈴木 啓介, 黒田 悦史, 石井 健. ケミカルメディエーター、受容体 スギ花粉症に対するTLR9アゴニストを用いた新規皮下免疫療法薬の効果. アレルギー. 2022. 71. 6-7. 836-836
  • 内海 大知, 浅賀 正充, 鎌田 春彦, 永田 諭志, 仲地 ゆたか, 山口 智和, 河岡 義裕, 久場 敬司, 保富 康宏. CAG-hACE2 Tgマウスを用いたSARS-CoV-2経気道感染モデルの樹立. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2022. 142年会. 28PO2-07S
  • Utsumi Daichi, Masamitsu Asaka, Haruhiko Kamada, Satoshi Nagata, Yutaka Nakachi, Tomokazu Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Keiji Kuba, Yasuhiro Yasutomi. Establishment of SARS-CoV-2 respiratory tract infection model in CAG promoter-driven hACE2 transgenic mice. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2022. 95. 2-P
  • 土田諄, 小檜山康司, 浅賀正充, 内海大知, 保富康宏, 石井健. ウイルス感染に対するアジュバント単剤投与による予防効果. 日本ワクチン学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2021. 25th
  • Yamaguchi Tomokazu, An Jianbo, Nagata Satoshi, Kamada Haruhiko, Kawaoka Yoshihiro, Yasutomi Yasuhiro, Imai Yumiko, Kuba Keiji, Minato Takafumi, Hoshizaki Midori, et al. Suppression of SARS-CoV-2-induced lung injury by ACE2-like carboxypeptidase B38-CAP in COVID-19 mouse model. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2021. 94. 2-P2-LB48
Books (1):
  • 週刊医学のあゆみ ワクチン設計のサイエンス
Education (2):
  • 2014 - 2018 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University (Ph.D course)
  • 2008 - 2014 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences) (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University)
Work history (6):
  • 2024/01 - 現在 TORII PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Innovation Research Dept. Assistant Scientist
  • 2023/07 - 2023/12 TORII PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Medical Affairs Department Assistant Manager
  • 2020/04 - 2023/06 National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition Tsukuba Primate Research Center Postdoc
  • 2020/01 - 2020/03 The University of Melbourne Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience; Prof. J.B. Furness Lab Visitor
  • 2019/10 - 2019/12 Torii Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd Innovation Group business development
Show all
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本薬学会 ,  Japanese Society for Immunology ,  Japanese Pharmacological Society.
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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