Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2020 - 2023 Geographical study on the retail infrastructures of the island
MISC (6):
乗川 聡, 乗川ゼミナール. とちぎユースサポーターズネットワークとの協定に基づく調査研究報告(2020-2021年度). 帝京大学地域活性化研究センター年報 = Annual report of Regional Activation Research Center, Teikyo University / 帝京大学地域活性化研究センター 編. 2022. 6. 98-104
Panel Discussion. 2020. 4. 96-107
Report on research based on mutual cooperation agreement with NPO Corporation "TOCHIGI YOUTH SUPPORTERS NETWORK" in 2018. 2019. 3. 107-111
Participation in the "TOCHIGI MIRAI-RYUGAKU" as Seminar Activity and its Effects. 2016. 1. 95-98
Satoshi NORIKAWA. Hyacinthe Dubreuil et ses idees du travail en equipe ou ses critiques de la societe industielle francaise des annees 1930. 2006. 62. 62. 79-105