Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2021 - 2023 pair-Mergeに関する理論的および実証的研究
2018 - 2021 Empirical Research of the Discourse-Interface Syntactic Structure Based on Focusing Phenomena
2015 - 2018 Empirical study of clause structures based on phase theory and cartography: from peripheral phenomena to the core
Papers (22):
Tomonori Otsuka. On Internal pair-Merge and Ambiguous Chains. English Linguistics. 2023. 39. 2. 157-190
Ryoichi KONDO, Tomonori OTSUKA, Yuta TANAKA, Satoru KANNO. A Note on Movable Size: FormCopy Does Operate between Features. Tokai English Studies. 2023. 5. 31-47
Kanno, Satoru, Tomonori Otsuka, Yuta Tanaka and Ryoichi Kondo. Copy, its Related Mechanisms and the Empirical Consequences. JELS. 2022. 39. 134-135
the Englis Linguistic Society of Japan, the Linguistic Society of Japan, the English Literary Society of Japan, the Kyushu Branch of the English Literary Society of Japan