J-GLOBAL ID:202001008385014900
Update date: Nov. 15, 2023
Narita Hirokazu
ナリタ ヒロカズ | Narita Hirokazu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, 分子形態学
, 肉眼解剖学
, リハビリテーション
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2023 - 2026 脳梗塞麻痺モデルに対するMuse細胞移植とリハビリテーション併用による神経再生治療法の構築
- 2019 - 2022 リンパ管網含有立体ヒト皮膚モデルを用いた超音波による新規リンパ浮腫治療法の開発
- 2018 - 2022 The search and verification of the safe venipuncture sites in the antebrachial region to dorsum of hand
- 2015 - 2018 Development of radiation disorder oriented rehabilitation targeting radiation-induced skin fibrosis and lymphatic dysfunction
- 2012 - 2015 Is rehabilitation effective for the high-dose radiation induced disorder of skin and muscle in rats?
Papers (36):
Kotaro Umemura, Hiroshi Shimoda, Keinosuke Ishido, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Takuji Kagiya, Kentaro Sato, Yuto Mitsuhashi, Seiji Watanabe, Hirokazu Narita, et al. Microanatomical organization of hepatic venous lymphatic system in humans. PLOS ONE. 2023. 18. 5. e0286316
Masato Murakami, Takami Akagi, Yumi Sasano, Tomohiro Chiba, Hirokazu Narita, Hiroshi Shimoda, Mitsuru Akashi. Observation of a tight junction structure generated in LbL-3D Skin reconstructed by layer-by-layer cell coating technique. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2021. 15. 9. 798-803
Kentaro Sato, Hiroshi Shimoda, Takuya Miura, Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Hajime Morohashi, Seiji Watanabe, Hirokazu Narita, Yuto Mitsuhashi, Kotaro Umemura, Kenichi Hakamada. Widespread anorectal lymphovascular networks and tissue drainage: analyses from submucosal India ink injection and indocyanine green fluorescence imaging. Colorectal Disease. 2021
Hirokazu Narita, Seiji Watanabe, Kotaro Umemura, Hiroshi Shimoda. A detailed pathway and termination of thoracic duct in a Japanese female cadaver with situs inversus totalis. Anatomical Science International. 2020
成田 大一, 渡邉 誠二, 高橋 一人, 千葉 智博, 野見山 早苗, 加治屋 健太朗, 下田 浩. リンパ学の明日を探る〜循環器領域 ヒトリンパ管の顕微解剖学再考. リンパ学. 2019. 42. 1. 25-27
MISC (6):
成田 大一, 渡邉 誠二, 高橋 一人, 千葉 智博, 野見山 早苗, 加治屋 健太朗, 下田 浩. リンパ学の明日を探る〜循環器領域 ヒトリンパ管の顕微解剖学再考. リンパ学. 2019. 42. 1. 25-27
成田 大一, 齊藤 絵里奈, 磯貝 純夫, 岡野 大輔, 浅野 義哉, 下田 浩. 個体・系統発生における肺血管の形態学的特徴. 日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会講演プログラム・予稿集. 2014. 55回. 98-98
Shuhei Koeda, Hirokazu Narita, Koichi Ito, Kyoko Ito, Haruhiko Yoshioka, Hitoshi Tsushima. The effects of high-dose radiation on rats’ skin and muscle: developing an animal model of local radiation damage to the hind limbs (2nd report). The proceedings of the 5th international symposium on radiation emergency medicine at Hirosaki university. 2013. 27-30
Hirokazu Narita, Shuhei Koeda, Koichi Ito, Kyoko Ito, Hitoshi Tsushima. Effects of rehabilitation for skin and muscle damage caused by high-dose radiation -Developing an animal model of local radiation damage to the hind limbs-. The proceedings of the 4th international symposium on radiation emergency medicine at Hirosaki university. 2012. 47-50
Rehabilitation targeting disuse syndrome in elderly evacuees following radiation exposure accidents: Literature review. The proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on radiation emergency medicine at Hirosaki university. 2011. 47-49
Lectures and oral presentations (41):
(第44回日本リンパ学会 2020)
(日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 2018)
(弘前医学 2018)
(日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会講演プログラム・抄録集 2018)
(日本作業療法学会抄録集 2016)
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2021/04 - 現在 函館市医師会看護・リハビリテーション学院 生体医工学研究センター センター長
- 2014/10 - 2021/03 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2007/04 - 2014/09 Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
- 2003/04 - 2007/03 医療法人弘愛会弘愛会病院 リハビリテーション科 理学療法士
Committee career (1):
- 2020/05 - 現在 日本基礎理学療法学会 学術大会 演題査読委員
Awards (2):
- 2017/06 - 第101回弘前医学会総会優秀発表賞
- 2010/11 - 第27回東北理学療法士学会最優秀賞
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