Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2016 - 2019 Multi-site, Randomized Controlled Trial for Children with Trauma-related Symptoms and Treatment Applications
Papers (31):
Insomnia. 2024. 56. 9. 1229-1231
yoshitaka iwadare. Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Childhood and Adolessence : Focusing on child Abuse. Japanese Journal of Psychotherapy. 2024. 50. 4. 486-490
岩垂喜貴. 子どものトラウマへの対応. 精神科. 2023. 43. 2. 202-208
Inpatient Treatment for Adolescent Female Who Lost Control of Self-Harming Behavior,Filled with a Sense of Dstrust. 2023. 21. 1. 41-48
Treatment for a Male Adolescent with the Domestic Violence: Signififcance of limit setting. Japanese Journal of Psychotherapy. 2022. 48. 4. 523-530