J-GLOBAL ID:202001009380237982
Update date: Nov. 02, 2024
Yoshitaka Fujita
Yoshitaka Fujita
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Nuclear engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2022 - 2026 Mo-99/Tc-99m国産化を実現するメソポーラスアルミナ吸着材の開発
- 2017 - 2020 Development of newly almina^based adsorbent with excellent spatial structure which promotes domestic production of 99Mo/99mTc
Papers (17):
Azhar Alowasheeir, Miharu Eguchi, Yoshitaka Fujita, Kunihiko Tsuchiya, Ryutaro Wakabayashi, Tatsuo Kimura, Katsuhiko Ariga, Kentaro Hatano, Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu, Yusuke Yamauchi. Extraordinary 99Mo adsorption: utilizing spray-dried mesoporous alumina for clinical-grade generator development. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 2024. 97. 10
Hirota Noriaki, Nakano Hiroko, Fujita Yoshitaka, Takeuchi Tomoaki, Tsuchiya Kunihiko, Demura Masahiko*, Kobayashi Yoshinao*. Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on dynamic strain aging and stress corrosion cracking of SUS304 stainless steel under high temperature pressurized water. The IV International Scientific Forum "Nuclear Science and Technologies"; AIP Conference Proceedings 3020. 2024. 030007\_1-030007\_6
Quach N. M.*, Ngo M. C.*, Yang Y.*, Nguyen T. B.*, Nguyen V. T.*, Fujita Yoshitaka, Do T. M. D.*, Nakayama Tadachika*, Suzuki Tatsuya*, Suematsu Hisayuki*. Extraction of $^{99}$Mo hot atoms made by a neutron capture method from $\alpha$-MoO$_{3}$ to water. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2023. 332. 10. 4057-4064
Ngo M. C.*, Fujita Yoshitaka, Suzuki Tatsuya*, Do T. M. D.*, Seki Misaki, Nakayama Tadachika*, Niihara Koichi*, Suematsu Hisayuki*. $\beta$-MoO$_{3}$ whiskers in $^{99}$Mo/$^{\rm 99m}$Tc radioisotope production and $^{99}$Mo/$^{\rm 99m}$Tc extraction using hot atoms. Inorganic Chemistry. 2023. 62. 32. 13140-13147
福光 延吉, 山内 悠輔, Kaneti Yusuf Valentino, Didi Prasetyo Benu, 有賀 克彦, 籏野 健太郎, 熊田 博明, 藤田 善貴, 土谷 邦彦. 99Mo/99mTc国産化を目指したメソポーラスアルミナの開発. 核医学. 2022. 59. Suppl. S480-S480
MISC (37):
Fujita Yoshitaka, Hu X.*, Yang Y.*, Kitagawa Taiga*, Fujihara Yasuyuki*, Yoshinaga Hisao*, Hori Junichi*, Do T. M. D.*, Suzuki Tatsuya*, Suematsu Hisayuki*, et al. Study on $^{99m}$Tc separation/concentration technology from $^{99}$Mo by (n, $\gamma$) method, 2. KURNS Progress Report 2023. 2024. 122
Fujita Yoshitaka. Study on molybdenum adsorption properties of alumina-based adsorbents and their application to $^{99}$Mo/$^{\rm 99m}$Tc generators using the (n,$\gamma$) method (Thesis). JAEA-Review 2023-010. 2023. 108
Fujita Yoshitaka, Hu X.*, Takeuchi Tomoaki, Takeda Ryoma, Fujihara Yasuyuki*, Yoshinaga Hisao*, Hori Junichi*, Suzuki Tatsuya*, Suematsu Hisayuki*, Ide Hiroshi. Study on $^{\rm 99m}$Tc separation/concentration technology from $^{99}$Mo by (n, $\gamma$) method. KURNS Progress Report 2022. 2023. 110
西方香緒里, 関美沙紀, 藤田善貴, 武内伴照, 井手広史, 土谷邦彦, 那須拓哉, 高橋静香, 小林一太, 高木直行. R&D on Medical RI production using domestic nuclear infrastructures to achieve self-preparedness (2) (4) Development of <sup>99</sup>Mo/<sup>99m</sup>Tc Production Process. 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
Nasu Takuya*, Fujita Yoshitaka. Production of diagnostic $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc by PWR. Enerugi Rebyu. 2022. 42. 10. 15-18
Patents (10):
Lectures and oral presentations (27):
Development of mesoporous alumina for enabling domestic production of $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc
Isotope production using novel MoO$_{3}$ targets; Contribution by vietnamese institutes, staffs and students
(VANJ Conference 2023)
Development of inorganic ion exchangers for separation of $^{99}$Mo/$^{\rm 99m}$Tc
Development of inorganic ion exchangers for separation of $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc
Medical RI production using domestic nuclear infrastructures for self-sustenance, 2; Development of $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc production process
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