J-GLOBAL ID:202001012400661540   Update date: Apr. 17, 2024


ミカナギ ユキ | MIKANAGI Yuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 植物学研究科長 主任上席研究員
Other affiliations (2):
Research field  (2): Horticulture ,  Biodiversity and systematics
Research keywords  (7): Roses ,  Taxonomy ,  Biodiversity ,  Floricultural Science ,  Anthocyanin ,  Herbarium ,  Museum
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2021 - 2024 Elucidation of the origin of fruity scent for breeding fragrance roses and creating a database of rose scents
  • 2003 - 2006 Are there any pelargonidin glycosides in petals of old roses?
  • 2001 - 2002 バラ園芸品種の橙色色素(ペラルゴニジン配糖体)の起源
Papers (13):
  • Oyama-Okubo Naomi, Mikanagi Yuki. Analysis of Floral Scent Components of Roses Exhibiting an Unusual Odor: Identification of Stink Bug Pheromone Compounds in Roses. The Horticulture Journal. 2024. advpub
  • Naomi Oyama-Okubo, Yuki Mikanagi. Analysis of Floral Scent Components of Rosa foetida Herrm., a Rose with an Unpleasant Fragrance. The Horticulture Journal. 2023
  • Chiba. 2013. 60. 2. 13-13
  • Yuki Mikanagi, Hideaki Ohba. Rosa ×mikawamontana Mikanagi & H. Ohba (Rosaceae), a new hybrid between R. sambucina and R. paniculigera from Aichi Prefecture, Central Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany. 2011. 86. 4. 248-252
  • Fumi Tatsuzawa, Norio Saito, Yuki Mikanagi, Koichi Shinoda, Kenjiro Toki, Atsushi Shigihara, Toshio Honda. An unusual acylated malvidin 3-glucoside from flowers of Impatiens textori Miq. (Balsaminaceae). Phytochemistry. 2009. 70. 5. 672-674
MISC (1):
  • 斎藤 規夫, 〓 世宝, 御巫 由紀. 高等植物におけるAnthocyaninの分布. 明治学院論叢. 1991. 486. p41-128
Books (8):
  • The Handbook of Wild Roses in Japan
    2019 ISBN:9784829981368
  • A Book of Enchanting Old Roses
    2018 ISBN:9784418184040
  • 千葉県いきものかんさつガイド : 千葉県生物学会70周年記念
    千葉県生物学会,たけしま出版 (発売) 2018 ISBN:9784925111577
  • Captain Cook's Voyage and Banks' Florilegium
  • The Handbook of Plants in Chiba
    2010 ISBN:9784925111386
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • バラの香りに含まれるカメムシフェロモン様物質
    (第67回香料・テルペンおよび精油化学に関する討論会 2023)
  • Analysis of Floral Scent Components of Roses with Unpleasant Odor.
  • Unpleasant odor of roses. -Analysis of the floral scent of Rosa foetida.
    (The 66th Symposium on the Chemistry of Terpenes, Essential Oils and Aromatics 2022)
  • Elucidation of the origin of fruity scent of roses. 2.Analysis of floral compounds of Rosa cv. ‘Charlotte Armstrong’’ and its parental cultivars
    (The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 2022, Autumn 2022)
  • Scent compounds of bud sport cultivars of roses. - Mutation-induced changes of floral scents
    (The 65th Symposium on the Chemistry of Terpenes, Essential Oils and Aromatics 2021)
Education (3):
  • 1989 - 1994 Chiba University
  • 1987 - 1989 Chiba University
  • 1983 - 1987 Japan Women's University Faculty of Human Sciences and Design Biology
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(農学) (千葉大学)
Committee career (7):
  • 2022/06 - 現在 Japan Horticultural Society Director
  • 2014/04 - 現在 千葉県環境生活部自然保護課 千葉県希少生物及び外来生物に係るリスト作成検討会種子植物分科会委員
  • 2012/11 - 現在 木更津市教育委員会 木更津市文化財保護審議会委員
  • 2009/04 - 現在 市川市水と緑の部公園緑地課 市原市緑の調査専門委員
  • 2006/04 - 現在 Echigo Hillside National Government Park Judging Committee of the International Fragrant Rose Trials in Echigo
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Association Membership(s) (5):
World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) ,  The Biological Society of Chiba ,  Tha Japanese Society for Horticultural Science ,  The Botanical Society of Japan ,  Tha Japanese Society for Plant Systematics
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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