J-GLOBAL ID:202001012464301482   Update date: Sep. 26, 2024

Koshino Yosuke

コシノ ヨウスケ | Koshino Yosuke
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 主査
Research field  (1): Aquaculture
Research keywords  (1): salmon, hatchery, wild salmon, stable isotope
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2021 - 2025 ふ化場魚を野生魚に近づける:環境エンリッチメントを利用したサケ稚魚の種苗性向上
  • 2017 - 2020 Understanding the factor of chum salmon decline using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis
  • 2013 - 2015 サケ属魚類の産卵遡上による河川-陸域生態系への物質輸送に関する生態学的研究
Papers (13):
  • Jin Oikawa, Shu Nakamura, Nobuto Kaneko, Mitsuru Torao, Yosuke Koshino, Munetaka Shimizu. Effects of fasting and water temperatures during transition from freshwater to seawater on juvenile chum salmon growth and metabolism. Fisheries Science. 2021. 87. 4. 579-588
  • OKADO Jumpei, WATANUKI Yutaka, ITO Motohiro, HASEBE Makoto, SHOJI Akiko, HAYASHI Haruka, SATO Nobuhiko, KOSHINO Yosuke, WATANABE Kenta, KUWAE Tomohiro. Differences in Rhinoceros Auklet diet and chick body mass at 4 breeding sites in Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 2021. 70. 1. 37-52
  • Takashi Abe, Yosuke Koshino, Tomoharu Watanabe, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Yuji Yoshida, Hideaki Kudo. Gene expression of neuronal soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor complex components in the olfactory organ and brain during seaward and homeward migration by pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Journal of fish biology. 2020
  • YOSUKE KOSHINO, YOSHIHITO SHINRIKI, TOMOYA AOYAMA, KATSUMI TAKEUTI, HAYATO SANEYOSHI, YASUYUKI MIYAKOSHI. Residence time of stocked chum salmon fry in the Shiriuchi River, southwestern Hokkaido. Scientific Reports of Hokkaido Fisheries Reserch Institutes. 2020. 98. 19-24
  • Jumpei Okado, Yosuke Koshino, Hideaki Kudo, Yutaka Watanuki. Consumption of juvenile chum salmon by a seabird species during early sea life. FISHERIES RESEARCH. 2020. 222
MISC (16):
  • 大森始, 小亀友也, 虎尾充, 實吉隼人, 越野陽介, 倉谷京介. オホーツクの沿岸環境とサケ・マス資源の持続的管理に関する研究. 道総研さけます・内水面水産試験場事業報告書. 2024. 2022
  • 實吉隼人, 小亀友也, 虎尾充, 越野陽介, 藤原真. 8.オホーツクの沿岸環境とサケ・マス資源の持続的管理に関する研究. 道総研さけます・内水面水産試験場事業報告書. 2023. 2021
  • 越野陽介, 春日井潔. 6.自然産卵を利用したサケの資源増殖効果に関する研究. 道総研さけます・内水面水産試験場事業報告書. 2023. 2021
  • 春日井潔, 越野陽介. 9.さけ・ます等栽培対象資源対策事業 9.5 沿岸環境・幼稚魚追跡調査(オホーツク沖合). 道総研さけます・内水面水産試験場事業報告書. 2023. 2021
  • 春日井潔, 小山達也, 越野陽介, 橋本龍治. 9.さけ・ます等栽培対象資源対策事業 9.3 沿岸環境・幼稚魚追跡調査(道東太平洋沿岸). 道総研さけます・内水面水産試験場事業報告書. 2023. 2021
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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