J-GLOBAL ID:202001013842659320   Update date: Jun. 08, 2024

Ohkubo Shinjiro

オオクボ シンジロウ | Ohkubo Shinjiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Agricultural environmental and information engineering ,  Rural environmental engineering and planning ,  Environmental dynamics
Research keywords  (5): 農業気象 ,  森林水文 ,  環境動態解析 ,  ガスフラックス ,  渦相関法
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2011 - 2013 大気と植生間の乱流輸送によらない二酸化炭素交換評価に関する研究
  • 2009 - 2009 大気と森林生態系間の二酸化炭素交換における移流フラックスに関する研究
  • 2006 - 2008 Prediction of flood and drought in ungauged mountainous basins by developing a hydrologic model for the bedrock-soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum
Papers (26):
  • Takashi Hirano, Shinjiro Ohkubo, Masayuki Itoh, Hayato Tsuzuki, Ayaka Sakabe, Hidenori Takahashi, Kitso Kusin, Mitsuru Osaki. Large variation in carbon dioxide emissions from tropical peat swamp forests due to disturbances. Communications Earth & Environment. 2024
  • Shinjiro Ohkubo, Takashi Hirano, Kitso Kusin. Influence of disturbance on transpiration and evaporation in tropical peat swamp forests. Journal of Hydrology. 2023. 620. 620. 129523-129523
  • Shinjiro Ohkubo, Takashi Hirano, Kitso Kusin. Influence of fire and drainage on evapotranspiration in a degraded peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Hydrology. 2021. 603. 126906-126906
  • Shinjiro Ohkubo, Takashi Hirano, Kitso Kusin. Assessing the carbon dioxide balance of a degraded tropical peat swamp forest following multiple fire events of different intensities. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2021. 306
  • Shinjiro Ohkubo, Takashi Hirano, Kitso Kusin. Influence of disturbances and environmental changes on albedo in tropical peat ecosystems. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2021. 301
MISC (11):
  • 杉浦 幸之助, 朝岡 良浩, 池田 慎二, 岩田 幸良, 榎本 浩之, 大久保 晋治郎, 尾関 俊浩, 兒玉 裕二, 佐藤 篤司, 柴田 啓貴, et al. 国際雪氷学会シンポジウム"International Symposium on Seasonal Snow and Ice 2012"参加報告. 雪氷 : 日本雪氷協會雜誌. 2012. 74. 5. 357-365
  • 柳井 洋介, 岩田 幸良, 古賀 伸久, 根本 学, 大久保 晋治郎, 廣田 知良. 28 コムギ畑への土壌凍結促進処理が収量・窒素動態に及ぼす影響(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2011. 57. 0. 295-295
  • 柳井 洋介, 廣田 知良, 岩田 幸良, 根本 学, 永田 修, 大久保 晋治朗, 古賀 伸久. 23-13 積雪・土壌凍結地帯における土壌中での亜酸化窒素生成動態の観測(23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2010. 56. 180-180
  • 大久保 晋治郎, 横山 直人, 小杉 緑子, 高梨 聡, 松尾 奈緒子, 谷 誠. 温帯ヒノキ林におけるCO2放出量の鉛直分布評価. 農業氣象. 2009. 65. 4. 339-348
  • 小田 知宏, 町村 尚, 古山 祐治, マクシュトフ シャミル, 大久保 晋治郎, 小杉 緑子. P134 近畿地方を対象とした地域スケールCO_2ソース/シンク推定 : オイラー・ラグランジアン結合モデルを用いた領域外部からの貢献の考慮. 大会講演予講集. 2009. 95. 271-271
Lectures and oral presentations  (2):
  • Influence of fire on evapotranspiration in tropical degraded peat swamp forest
    (2022 International Academic Symposium on Key Technologies of Forest and Grassland Fires Warning and Monitoring 2022)
  • A fire converted an ex-tropical peat swamp forest from a carbon dioxide source to a substantial sink
    (International Academic Symposium on Key Technologies of Forest and Grassland Fires Warning and Monitoring 2020)
Education (3):
  • 2005 - 2008 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Environmental Science and Technology
  • 2003 - 2005 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture Division of Environmental Science and Technology
  • 1998 - 2002 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
  • Master of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
Work history (5):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 Local Independent Administrative Agency Hokkaido Research Organization Forest Research Department Forest Research Institute
  • 2019/11 - 2023/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture Research Faculty of Agriculture
  • 2011/04 - 2014/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • 2009/04 - 2011/03 北海道農業研究センター 寒地温暖化研究チーム 農研機構特別研究員
  • 2008/04 - 2009/03 Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture
Awards (1):
  • 2013/03 - The Best Paper Award 2013 of the Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan Influences of snow cover and soil-frost on ground surface flux and soil gas concentration of CO2 in an agricultural land in northern Japan
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本地球惑星科学連合 (JpGU) ,  日本農業気象学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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