J-GLOBAL ID:202001015352539876
Update date: Jun. 28, 2024
Matsumoto Yoshinari
マツモト ヨシナリ | Matsumoto Yoshinari
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (3):
, 臨床栄養
, 生活科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2024 - 2027 Study on the significance of diet-related quality of life in nutritional therapy for Crohn's disease patients.
Papers (37):
Eri Nishioka, Mayumi Iwata, Noriko Kumai, Yoshinari Matsumoto, Chika Momoki, Yoko Yasui, Daiki Habu. Association between a malnutrition screening tool and mealtime observation checklist items in older people receiving oral intake support: A cross-sectional study of four long-term care facilities. International journal of older people nursing. 2024. 19. 3. e12610
Taeko Tsuji, Kazuyo Yamasaki, Kyoko Kondo, Nobuko Hongu, Yoshinari Matsumoto, Keisuke Fukuo, Daiki Habu. Association between being at-risk of malnutrition and discontinued home medical care among older patients: a 1-year follow-up study. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association. 2024
Genya Okada, Yoshinari Matsumoto, Daiki Habu, Yasunori Matsuda, Shigeru Lee, Harushi Osugi. Relationship between preoperative nitrogen balance and energy and protein intake in patients with esophageal cancer. Nutrition and Health. 2023. 026010602311768-026010602311768
Eri Nishioka, Mayumi Iwata, Noriko Kumai, Yoshinari Matsumoto, Chika Momoki, Yoko Yasui, Daiki Habu. Validation of the applicability of the mealtime observation checklist in predicting the risk of aspiration pneumonia in older adults receiving oral intake support: A retrospective cohort study of four long-term care facilities. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2023
Yoshinari Matsumoto, Masahiro Tada, Yutaro Yamada, Koji Mandai, Noriaki Hidaka. Relationship between the phase angle from bioelectrical impedance analysis and daily physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Modern rheumatology. 2023
MISC (48):
田中優花, 松本佳也, SUN Yuwei, DAI Qiyun, 川上千智, 三橋佳奈, 勝島將夫, 渡辺龍, 山田真介, 羽生大記, et al. 全身性エリテマトーデス患者の転倒と食品群・栄養素摂取状況の関連. 日本病態栄養学会誌(Web). 2024. 27. Supplement
SUN Yuwei, 松本佳也, DAI Qiyun, 川上千智, 田中優花, 三橋佳奈, 勝島將夫, 渡部龍, 山田真介, 羽生大記, et al. 全身性エリテマトーデス患者の骨密度と食品群・栄養素摂取状況の関連. 日本病態栄養学会誌(Web). 2024. 27. Supplement
宮平杏奈, 松本佳也, 木津あかね, 羽生大記. 血液透析患者の体重変化と食欲および食品・栄養素摂取量の関連性. 日本病態栄養学会誌(Web). 2024. 27. Supplement
松本佳也, 増森彩華, 栗須愛, 松尾美優, 岡田玄也, 馬渕良太, 馬渕良太, 杉岡優子, 多田昌弘, 真本建司, et al. 関節リウマチ患者の骨格筋量減少に関わる血液代謝産物の探索. 日本病態栄養学会誌(Web). 2024. 27. Supplement
川上千智, 松本佳也, SUN Yuwei, DAI Qiyun, 田中優花, 三橋佳奈, 勝島將夫, 渡部龍, 山田真介, 羽生大記, et al. 全身性エリテマトーデス患者における国際低栄養基準該当者の生活習慣の特徴. 日本病態栄養学会誌(Web). 2024. 27. Supplement
Books (1):
肝疾患Review 2014-2015
日本メディカルセンター 2014
Work history (1):
- 2022/04 - 現在 大阪公立大学 生活科学部食栄養学科 准教授
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