Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2021 - 2026 Study on avant-garde calligrapher Yuichi Inoue: Deciphering his handwritten diary and production records
2019 - 2021 戦後前衛書の他分野への展開:美術制度の周縁での受容
2020 - 前衛書家井上有一の制作姿勢-1962年の制作メモを基にした一考察
2020 - 戦後前衛書に見る「書のモダニズム」ー日本近代美術を周縁から問い直す
Papers (2):
Akiko MUKAI. Modernism in Sho as Seen Through the Work of Shinoda Tōkō: Avant-Garde Japanese Calligraphy as aModern Artistic Endeavor. ART RESEARCH SPECIAL ISSUE. 2020. 1. 112-118
向井 晃子. The Rise of Modernism in Sho : A Case of UEDA Sokyu in 20th Century Avant-Garde Calligraphy in Japan. 国際文化学=Intercultural Studies Review. 2014. 27. 27. 115-138
MISC (3):
向井晃子. 天作会という場のありようー異質な他者との共存. 六月の風. 2021. 2-8
向井 晃子. 1950年代関西美術シーンでの前衛書と美術の交流 : 森田子龍の創造と摩擦-Interactions between Avant-Garde Calligraphy and Art in the Kansai Art Scene in 1950s' Japan : Creation and Friction in Morita Shiryu. Arts/ : 民族藝術学会誌 : journal of Society for Arts and Anthropology / 民族藝術学会 編. 2021. 37. 190-199
"Shoga itchi" in the 1950s: Shinoda Tōkō as a Case of Modernism in Sho
(Freie Universität Berlin - Kobe University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Workshop on 'Landscape and New Media in Art, Film and Theatre' 2019)