Research keywords (1):
考古学史 考古学普及史 考古学模型標本 人種模型標本 学校教材 絵葉書 普及書
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2021 - 2025 Basic Research on Archaeological Activities in Elementary and Secondary Education: Toward the Construction of a History of Archaeology at School
2009 - 2010 Construction of History of Japanese Archaeology during The WWII Era Based on Publication and Thesis in Magazine
Papers (72):
HIRATA TAKASHI. The conjugation of postcards in archaeological and anthropological research: archaeological postcards as a diverse medium. 2024. 14. 6-17
HIRATA TAKASHI. Towards the next 900. The Archaeological Journal. 2024. 800. 6-6
Murano Masakage, Hirata Takashi. Memorandum on production techniques for Inoue-style geographical and historical specimens. Suzaku. 2024. 36. 1-19
HIRATA TAKASHI. Excavation and preservation of the sites of former Shinbashi station. The Archaeological Journal. 2023. 790. 15-19
Enlightenment activities in archaeology and anthropology in the Meiji and Taisho periods: from Dr. Tsuboi Shogoro to Dr. Torii Ryozo.
(Commemorative lecture for the special exhibition ‘Torii Ryuzo and the Shiroyama Shell Mound’. 2024)
The conjugation of postcards in archaeological and anthropological research: archaeological postcards as a diverse medium.
(society of cultural photograph 2024)
Survey on materials and techniques used in modern cultural property repair.