J-GLOBAL ID:202001019515094538
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Uenaka Hisako
Uenaka Hisako
Research field (1):
Cultural properties
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2025 Basic research on herbaceous flora in ancient capitals using plant remains
Papers (3):
UENAKA Hisako, OHBA Shigenobu, MIYAMOTO Shinji. Ancient agricultural land-use inferred from pollen and seed analysis at the Nagahara NG02-8 site, Osaka, western Japan. The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu). 2010. 49. 4. 191-200
The distribution changes of Fagopyrum pollen grains in the Kinai district. Archaeology and natural science. 2008. 57. 55-63
上中央子, 大庭重信. 長原遺跡(NG03-5次)・瓜破遺跡(UR00-8次)における畠状遺構の花粉分析および種実同定. 大阪歴史博物館 研究紀要. 2006. 5. 5. 79-100
MISC (11):
独立行政法人国立文化財機構奈良文化財研究所埋蔵文化財センター, 山崎 健, やまざき たけし, Yamazaki Takeshi, 上中 央子, うえなか ひさこ, Uenaka Hisako, 林 竜馬, はやし りょうま, Hayashi Ryoma, et al. 花粉分析からみた都城造営と植生変化. 埋蔵文化財ニュース. 2021. 184. 1-27
Osawa Syogo, Isahaya Naoto, Yamazaki Takeshi, Murata Taisuke, Hoshino Yasuharu. An Examination of the Main Drainage Channel (SD1901A), Lower Strata of the Fujiwara Palace Site(No.186). 2017. 117-135
Jinno Megumi, Suzuki Tomohiro, Oda Yuuki, Hayashi Masanori, Imai Kouki, Ura Yoko, Hoshino Yasuharu, Watanabe Akihiro, Murata Taisuke. Excavation in Block 4, West Second Ward on Third Street; Block 1, West Second Ward on Second Street; Southern First Avenue, and West First Avenue (Nos.530, 546, 560). 2016. 124-153
Shiba Kojiro, Yamamoto Yoshitaka, Murata Taisuke. Excavation of the Imperial Audience Hall Compound (No. 551). 2016. 118-122
Uenaka Hisako, Oda Yuuki, Isahaya Naoto. Pollen analysis of Sediment of the East Palace Sector (No.503)and the Former Precinct of Saidaiji Temple (No. 505). 2016. 216-219
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本第四紀学会
, 日本文化財科学会
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