J-GLOBAL ID:202101002873294686
Update date: May. 16, 2024
バンバ ケイコ | BAMBA KEIKO
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
Flavoprotein fluorescense imaging
, neuropathic pain
, Anesthesiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2020 - 2023 神経障害性痛における脊髄-大脳皮質神経活動連関とグリア細胞活性化制御の影響
- 2018 - 2020 Elucidation of the involvement of microglia in neuropathic pain using flavoprotein autofluorescence imaging
Papers (5):
Mika Sasaki, Yoshinori Kamiya, Keiko Bamba, Takeshi Onishi, Keiichiro Matsuda, Tatsuro Kohno, Miyuki Kurabe, Kenta Furutani, Harue Yanagimura. Serotonin Plays a Key Role in the Development of Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia in Mice. The Journal of Pain. 2021. 22. 6. 715-729
Tomohiro Yamamoto, Yutaka Seino, Keiichiro Matsuda, Hidekazu Imai, Keiko Bamba, Ai Sugimoto, Shuichi Shiraishi, Ehrenfried Schindler. Preoperative Implementation of Transverse Thoracic Muscle Plane Block and Rectus Sheath Block Combination for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2020. 34. 12. 3367-3372
Shuichi Shiraishi, Keiko Bamba, Ai Sugimoto, Masashi Takahashi, Masanori Tsuchida. A novel parameter for pulmonary blood flow during palliative procedures: velocity time integral of the pulmonary vein†. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 2019. 55. 5. 823-828
白石 修一, 杉本 愛, 文 智勇, 高橋 昌, 土田 正則, 今井 英一, 吉田 敬之, 大橋 宣子, 番場 景子. 肺動脈絞扼手術時の術中経食道心エコーによる肺静脈verocity time integral(VTI)測定の意義. 日本小児循環器学会雑誌. 2016. 32. Suppl.1. s1-373
Keiko Bamba, Tatsunori Watanabe, Tatsuro Kohno. Anesthetic management of a patient with a giant ovarian tumor containing 83 l of fluid. SpringerPlus. 2013. 2. 1. 487-487
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
(日本麻酔科学会第66回学術集会 2019)
Analysis Of Neural Activity In The Neuropathic Pain Mouse Model Using Flavoprotein Fluorescence Imaging
(ASA anual meeting 2018)
(第22回日本心臓血管麻酔学会 2018)
Intraoperative Doppler echocardiography of pulmonary venous flow is useful in predicting reoperation in pulmonary artery banding
(ESA annual meeting 2018)
フラビン蛋白蛍光イメージング法を用いたSpared nerve injury(SNI)モデルマウスの解析
(日本麻酔科学会第65回学術集会 2018)
Education (2):
- 2016 - 2020 Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Division of Anesthesiology
- 1999 - 2005 Niigata University Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine
Work history (7):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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