J-GLOBAL ID:202101003217279146
Update date: Sep. 10, 2024
Shirakizawa Ryoko
シラキザワ リョウコ | Shirakizawa Ryoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Economic history
, History - Japan
Research keywords (15):
Constitution of the Empire of Japan
, 自治
, 衛生組合
, 部落会
, 公営事業
, 電力
, 水利組合
, 氏子集団
, 神社
, 社会関係資本
, 内務省
, 地域コミュニティ
, 独立
, 町内会
, 明治地方自治体制
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2022 - 2024 A study on the role and actual condition played by neighborhood associations as a community during World War II
- 2022 - 2023 The Resilience of Hokkaido Local Communities after World War II: How Municipalities and Local Communities Rebuilt Local Communities after the Disaster
Papers (12):
白木澤 涼子. 一九四〇年地方税法と明治地方自治体制 : 地方公共団体の整理と解体. 日本歴史 / 日本歴史学会 編. 2022. 892. 38-52
Shirakizawa Ryoko. A Study on 'Autonomy' of Meiji Local Government System from Local Systems in Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Okinawa Prefectures : on 'meetings', legal personality, resolutions, and local expenses. Center for Regional Economic and Business Networks. 2022. 11. 73-133
SHIRAKIZAWA Ryoko. "The Idea of "Law Reform of The association in rural areas [The Burakukai] and The neighborhood association in city areas [The Chonaikai]" - " "The Transition of The Self governing " and the "The front-line organization of national government " of municipalities". ECONOMIC STUDIES. 2021. 71. 2. 93-122
Ryoko Shirakizawa. The founding process of the association(Chonaikai) in Tokyo New City Area (Ebara Ward). 2020. 10. 1-20
Shirakizawa Ryoko. "Mayor's election" and Neighborhood association in Hakodate City, 1946. 2019. 8. 103-119
MISC (2):
白木澤 涼子. 書評と紹介 中西啓太著『町村「自治」と明治国家 : 地方行財政の歴史的意義』. 日本歴史. 2019. 857. 98-100
白木沢 涼子. 書評 梅本哲世著『戦前日本資本主義と電力』. 日本史研究. 2001. 465. 62-70
Lectures and oral presentations (25):
Why did the county system disappear?: The county system and the constituencies of members of the House of Representatives
What is "self-government" in the colonies of the Japan Empire?: Gradual "Japan subjects" based on "Japan national structure and history"
Why the National Land and Local Systems Disappeared from the Imperial Constitution: Hirobumi Ito's Concept of Governing "Japan" and "Empire"
The Imperial Constitution and Stein's Lectures: Why the Provisions of the National and Local Governments Disappeared from the Imperial Constitution
(2023年度 政治経済学・経済史学会 秋季学術大会 自由論題 2023)
Education (3):
- 2014 - 2017 北海道大学大学院 経済学研究院 現代経済経営専攻 博士後期課程
- 1983 - 1985 金沢大学 文学研究科 史学専攻
- 1979 - 1983 金沢大学 法文学部 史学科
Professional career (2):
- 博士(経済学) (北海道大学)
- 修士(文学) (金沢大学)
Work history (8):
Committee career (1):
- 2023/08 - 現在 日本植民地研究会 研究企画委員
Awards (6):
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 法制史学会
, 日本植民地研究会
, 政治経済学・経済史学会
, 首都圏形成史研究会
, 史学会
, 社会経済史学会
, 日本歴史学会
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