Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2012 - 2016 Investigations of the stock structure of Pacific bluefin tuna using biologging, mathematical modeling and otolith chemical analysis
Papers (26):
Ko Fujioka, Yoshinori Aoki, Yuichi Tsuda, Kei Okamoto, Hiroyuki Tsuchida, Akira Sasaki, Hidetada Kiyofuji. Influence of temperature on hatching success of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis): Implications for spawning availability of warm habitats. Journal of fish biology. 2024. 105. 1. 372-377
Junichi Takagi, Ko Fujioka, Saki Asai, Yoshimi Itaya, Hiromu Fukuda, Kotaro Ichikawa, Hiromichi Mitamura. Homing of a butterflyfish in the temperate western Pacific Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2023. 106. 9. 1907-1913
Takashi Kitagawa, Takaaki K. Abe, Keitaro Kubo, Ko Fujioka, Hiromu Fukuda, Yosuke Tanaka. Rapid endothermal development of juvenile pacific bluefin tuna. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022. 13. 968468-968468
NAOYA FURUTA, AZUSA ISHIDA, YUKI TAKAHASHI, KOU FUJIOKA, YUUKI KAWABATA, KAZUYOSHI KOMEYAMA. Monitoring for schools of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna <i>Thunnus orientalis</i> by using portable stereo vision cameras in a sea net cage. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2022. 88. 4. 264-270
Arif Malik, Kathryn A. Dickson, Takashi Kitagawa, Ko Fujioka, Ethan E. Estess, Charles Farwell, Kathryn A. Schuller. Scaling of locomotor muscle oxidative and glycolytic metabolic enzymes during the ontogeny of regional endothermy in Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). MARINE BIOLOGY. 2021. 168. 130
Fujioka K, S. Asai, Y. Tsukahara, H. Fukuda, S. Nakatsuka. Recruitment abundance index of Pacific bluefin tuna based on real-time troll monitoring survey data using Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) model analysis. ISC/24/PBFWG-1/04. 2024
Fukuda H, K. Fujioka, Y. Tsukahara. Is age-0 index unnecessary for the Pacific Bluefin tuna assessment?. ISC/23/PBFWG-02/06. 2023
Fujioka, K, Asai, S, Tsukahara, Y, Fukuda, H, Nakatsuka, S. Recruitment abundance index of immature Pacific bluefin tuna, derived from real-time monitoring survey data of troll fisheries. ISC/23/PBFWG-01/03. 2023
Hiraoka, Y, Fujioka, K, Fukuda, H. Preliminary results of migration patterns for adult Pacific bluefin tuna in the Northwestern Pacific. ISC/22/PBFWG-01/04. 2022
Kai, M, Minami, H, Nakatsuka, S, Fukuda, H, Tanaka, Y, Tsuda, Y, Matsumoto, T, Ijima, H, Fujioka, K, Maruko, Y.J, et al. National Report of Japan: Japanese Tuna and Tuna-like Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean. ISC/22/PLENARY/06. 2022
Migrations of Pacific bluefin tuna tagged in the Western Pacific Ocean. In; The Future of Bluefin Tunas: Ecology, Fisheries Management, and Conservation
Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp.147-164. 2019
The potential of high-resolution geomagnetic and accelerometer equipped geolocators to enhance the understanding of the ecology and movement of migratory fish
(The 74th TUNA CONFERENCE 2024)
Highly maintained heat production capacity contributes to the initial step of endothermal development in pacific bluefin tuna