J-GLOBAL ID:202101005885654377
Update date: Dec. 12, 2024
カン サンミン | KANG SANGMIN
Research keywords (1):
Internationalization, International entrepreneurship, Global value chain, upgrading, Strategic network, inter-firm relationship, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Industry cluster
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2023 - 2027 A study on the upgrade of the global value chain and the strategic multi-partner network of SMEs
- 2012 - 2015 東アジアにおける中小企業の質的転換と日本の経験
Papers (13):
Changju Kim, Woo Bin Kim, Seong Ho Lee, Eunsoo Baek, Xiuyan Yan, Jiyeon Yeon, Yunjung Yoo, Sangmin Kang. Relations among consumer boycotts, country affinity, and global brands: The moderating effect of subjective norms. Asia Pacific Management Review (ESCI). 2024
Analysis of Strategic Behaviors and Implications for Startup Companies Internationalization: A GVC Mapping Approach. 2024. 37. 79-103
Sangmin Kang, Changju Kim. How do strategic networks help SMEs upgrade in global value chains? A cross-national analysis. Cogent Business & Management (ESCI). 2023. 10. 1. 2202833
瀬良兼司, 國枝 陽輔, 姜尚民. サービス業の国際化が企業業績に及ぼす影響:マーケティング責任者に着目して. 市場創造研究. 2022. 11. 3-15
Critical Review of Global Strategy in Japanese Small- and Medium-sized Companies: A Case of I.S.T Corporation that Dominated the Global Market(Reprint). Journal of East Asia Management. 2021. 2. 1. 1-21
MISC (4):
姜尚民, 増田光陽, 大山達也, 鎌田翔, 河原木公伸, 對馬尚樹. 青森地域のりんごクラスターの持続可能性に関する調査報告-GVCの観点から検討-【調査報告書】. 社会システム研究. 2022. 45. 247-261
Sangmin Kang. The Effect of SMEs' Human Resource Management on Corporate Growth Strategies : A Preliminary Review of the Japanese Cases 【Proceedings】. International Conference on China Studies. 2020. 5
MATSUNO Shuji, NAGASHIMA Osamu, HYODO Tomohiro, IMADA Osamu, LIN SongGuo, TAKAYA Kazuko, KANG Sang Min. Challenges for Upgrading Development of SMEs in Busan, Korea: Research Report of Visit in August 2013. Social systems studies. 2014. 28. 28. 243-287
MATSUNO Shuji, HYODO Tomohiro, IMADA Osamu, MORI Masaki, LIN Song Guo, KANG Sang Min. Report on Economy and Business in Zhuzhou City of Hunan Province, China, December 2012. Social systems studies. 2013. 26. 26. 201-227
Books (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (22):
Management organization and upgrading strategy of Hidden Champion in the global value chain: Korean and Japanese case studies.
(The Korean Association of Small Business Studies 2024)
国際的企業家精神とダイナミックケイパビリティが国際化に及ぼす影響 :日本中小企業のマルチケース
(日本流通学会第38回全国大会・秋田県立大学(秋田JAビル) 2024)
A Study on the Dynamic of South korean Regional Industrial Clusters and Behavior of SMEs: Change of the Global Value Chain
Can we live without research?: Why, what and how...
(OIC Campus Ritsumeikan University, 2023 Global Forum 2023)
The impact of strategic management of small and medium-sized enterprises in the global market: Integrating an internationalization perspective
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. (Ritsumeikan University)
- Master (Ritsumeikan University)
Work history (6):
- 2021/04 - 現在 Aomori Chuo Gakuin University Senior lecturer
- 2015/04 - 現在 Ritsumeikan University Research Organization of Social Sciences The Institute of Social Systems Visit Joint Researcher
- 2022/04 - 2023/03 Sophia University Faculty of Economics Department of Management Part-time lecturer
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 International Pacific University Lecturer
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 Ritsumeikan University College of Business Administration Part-time lecturer
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Osaka University of Economics Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan Guest researcher
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Awards (1):
- 2024/11 - The Korean Association of Small Business Studies Best Presentation Award Management organization and upgrading strategies of hidden chains in global value chains: A case study of Korea and Japan
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本産業学会
, Japan Academy of Business Administration
, Japan Academy of Small business Studies
, Japan scholarly association for Asian management
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