J-GLOBAL ID:202101005922754557
Update date: Dec. 25, 2024
Otsuki Kyoko
オオツキ キョウコ | Otsuki Kyoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (3):
, 語用論
, 多読学習
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2012 - 2015 Equating Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading Test Forms and the Effects of Extensive Reading on Syntactic Competence
Papers (18):
Kyoko Otsuki. Comparative Accounts of the Omission of Subjects in Instruction and Question Utterances. 2024. 35. 1. 1-18
Kiyomi Yoshizawa Atsuko, Takase, Kyoko Otsuki. Effects of extensive reading on Japanese learners' writing ability. Re-Envisioning EFL Education in Asia. 2023. 153-172
Kiyomi Yoshizawa, Atsuko Takase, Kyoko Otsuki. The Trait Structure of Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading. 2023. 28. 71-91
笹岡 伸矢, 大槻 きょう子. 女性参政権成立論再考:英米を事例に. 奈良県立大学研究季報. 2020. 30. 4. 1-30
TODE Tomoko, OTSUKI Kyoko. Measuring Syntactic Complexity of Beginner-Level EFL Learners. ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan. 2019. 30. 0. 49-64
MISC (1):
大槻きょう子. 英語を不得意とする学生への多読を軸とする英語運用力向上を図る授業. 『高等教育における英語授業の研究-学習者の自律性を高めるリメディアル教育』JACET第2次授業学研究特別委員会編. 2012. 77-78
Lectures and oral presentations (19):
The Effect of Use of Pronouns on Voters in Campaign Flyers for Scottish Independence
(APSA (Australian Political Studies Association) 2024 National Conference: The State of Democracy and Politics: Local, Regional and Global 2024)
英語力の伸びを測る "EPER PPT"
(日本多読学会2023年度年会 2023)
What makes extensive reading successful in the Japanese EFL context?
(British Association of Applied Linguistics 2021 2021)
How does extensive reading help Japanese EFL learners’ summary writing ability?
(Extensive Reading Around the World 2021 2021)
Growth in L2 reading proficiency and reading behaviors among different levels of readers in EFL context
(5th Extensive Reading World Congress 2019)
Professional career (3):
- PhD (The University of Edinburgh)
- MSc (The University of Edinburgh)
- 修士 (関西学院大学)
Committee career (4):
- 2024/04 - 現在 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 紀要幹事(正)
- 2023/04 - 2024/03 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 紀要幹事(副)
- 2017/04 - 2022/03 日本多読学会 紀要編集委員
- 2017/04 - 2021/03 JACET関西支部 研究企画委員
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本言語テスト学会
, 関西英語教育学会
, 日本語用論学会
, 日本多読学会
, 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部
, British Association of Applied Linguistics
, 日本機能言語学会
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