J-GLOBAL ID:202101006059625014
Update date: Nov. 07, 2024
IKE Saya
IKE Saya
Papers (15):
Please smile when you nod: The use of smile in backchannel sequences. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan,. 2019. 14. 153-160
Rapport-oriented vs. Stance-oriented Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2018. 13. 191-198
Accommodating backchannel behaviour, negotiating turns, and sharing culture in ELF communication. JACET ELG SIG Journal, 1. pp. 21-44. 2017. 21-44
Negotiating backchannel behaviour: Challenges in ELF communication. 2017. 48. 21-32
Ike, Saya, Mulder, Jean. Conceptualising Backchannel Behaviour in Japanese English and Australian English. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2016. 11. 147-154
MISC (6):
池 沙弥. 英語の多様性:「違い」は「間違い」ではない. 中部経済新聞. 2024. 007面
単著. The World of Englishes: リアルな英語でのリスニング. 英語教育Vol.68, No.6, p.32. 2019. 32
単著. 国際英語と社会言語学と語用論:ことばと社会の関わりについて. 英語教育Vol.66, No.4, pp.64-65. 2017. 64-65
The Story of Australian English. 2015. 39-54
James F. D’Angelo, Saya Ike. A Dynamic 18th IAWE: One Conference, Two Cities. Asian Englishes, 15 (2). 2013. 15. 2. 144-153
Books (2):
Modelling world Englishes : a joint approach to postcolonial and non-postcolonial varieties
Edinburgh University Press 2020 ISBN:9781474445863
Variety development in the Expanding-Circle: Variety for EIL communication
Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014
Lectures and oral presentations (28):
28.English in Japan: The Applicability of the EIF Model
(24th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Limerick, Ireland 2019)
27.Please smile when you nod: The use of smile in backchannel sequences
(The Annual Meeting of the 21st Pragmatic Society of Japan, Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan 2018)
26. Extending Schneider's Dynamic Model to Non-PCE: The Japan Context
(23rd Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Manila, Philippines 2018)
25.Rapport-oriented vs. Stance-oriented Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions
(the 20th Annual meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan 2017)
24.Pragmatic Accommodation in Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions
(50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zürich, Switzerland 2017)
Professional career (1):
- PhD in Languages and Linguistics
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