J-GLOBAL ID:202101006070431272
Update date: Dec. 03, 2024
Fukuda Hiroshi
Fukuda Hiroshi
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2007 - 2009 Novel strategy for control of schistosomiasis : Decoy snails that can reduce the number of miracidia reaching the intermediate snails
- 2004 - 2006 The analyses of evolutionary factor and rate of marine organisms isolated in marine lakes, Palau Islands
- 2002 - 2005 Mechanism of physiological resurgence affecting recovery of susceptibility in fenvalerate-resistant strains of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella.
- 1999 - 2000 軟体動物門腹足綱の系統分類学的再検討
Papers (74):
Tomoyuki Nakano, Luna Yamamori, Bruce A. Marshall, Suzanne T. Williams, Hiroshi Fukuda. Akoyazara, a new genus of limpet-shaped trochids, with redescription of Broderipia J.E. Gray, 1847 (Vetigastropoda: Trochidae: Fossarininae). Molluscan Research. 2024. 44. 4. 316-334
Fukuda, H. A revision of the molluscan specimens collected from Okayama Prefecture and deposited in the Gifu Prefectural Museum, Japan. Bulletin of the Kurashiki Museum of Natural History. 2024. 39. 25-74
Hiroshi Fukuda. A new genus and species of the Assimineidae (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea) from temperate mainland Japan. Molluscan Research. 2023. 44. 1. 22-42
Kamei, Y, Nakajima, J, Fukuda, H. First record of “Gyraulus” sp. (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Niche Life. 2022. 10. 88-89
Daishi Yamazaki, Tomoki Seo, Takahiro Hirano, Takumi Saito, Yuichi Kameda, Hiroshi Fukuda, Satoshi Chiba. Genetic variation of Littorina horikawai endemic to the western coast and the adjacent islands around Kyushu, Japan inferred by mtDNA analyses. Plankton and Benthos Research. 2022. 17. 3. 271-276
MISC (18):
福田 宏. 広辞苑を3倍楽しむ (第114回) さざえ. 科学. 2021. 91. 1108-1108
福田 宏. 貝類分類今昔. ひたちおび. 2021. 132. 7-11
Bulletin of Archaeological Research Center Okayama University 2015. 2017. 2015
福田 宏. 講演 有明海の貝類相について (有明海の生物多様性保全のための四学会合同シンポジウム 有明海の特異な生物相 : 諌早湾の環境復元の意義). Molluscan diversity. 2011. 3. 1. 35-37
多々良 有紀, 福田 宏. カワザンショウ科の棲息環境の多様性と形態進化. うみうし通信. 2011. 70. 5-7
Books (2):
岡山県版レッドデータブック2020 動物編, 補遺
岡山県環境文化部自然環境課 2022
ハチの干潟の生きものたち -広島県竹原市に残る瀬戸内海の原風景-
Pubfan 2022
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
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