J-GLOBAL ID:202101007124166487
Update date: Sep. 19, 2024
Kojima Masae
コジマ マサエ | Kojima Masae
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Designated associate professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research keywords (7):
, 横断歩道
, 交通安全教育
, 交通安全
, 処分者講習(免停講習)
, 運転行動
, 高齢ドライバ
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2022 - 2025 高齢ドライバに対する個人に最適化した運転介入に向けたメタ認知の適切さの評価
- 2021 - 2022 自らの運転行動を他車視点で経験す ることによる教育効果-適切なメタ認知の向上を目指して-
- 2017 - 2018 中高齢ドライバの免許返納 を規定する意思決定モデルの検討
Papers (17):
上市 秀雄, 永岑 光恵, 讃井 知, 藤井 陽一朗, 楠見 孝, 小嶋 理江. 日本応用心理学会令和5年度公開シンポジウム ネガティブな感情・心理の活用と応用. 応用心理学研究 = Japanese journal of applied psychology. 2024. 50. 1. 46-70
Yamauchi, S, Kawano, N, Shimazaki, K, Shinkai, H, Kojima, M, Shinohara, K, Aoki, H. Digital clock drawing test reflects visuospatial ability of older drivers. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2024. 15. 1332118
NISHIHORI Yasuhide, KISHIOKA Masaki, YOKOYAMA Hiroki, KOJIMA Masae, WAKABAYASHI Hiroshi, TERAMOTO Hiroshi. Factors Affecting the Yielding Behavior at Unsignalized Crosswalks Focusing on the Road Environment and Traffic. JSTE Journal of Traffic Engineering. 2024. 10. 1. A_183-A_190
Nishihori Y, Iho K, Nishio T, Kojima M, Matsuo K. What affects the attitudes of elderly drivers toward the use of advanced safety vehicles?. Transportation Research Procedia. 2024. 78. 602-610
Nishihori Yasuhide, Kojima Masae, Matsuo Kojiro. What Driving Characteristics Affect the Intention to Use Advanced Safety Vehicle of Elderly Drivers. Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. 2024. 55. 2. 283-288
MISC (24):
KIMURA Takahiko, MASUDA Naoko, SHINOHARA Kazumitsu, ISHIMATSU Kazuma, KAWANO Naoko, SHIMAZAKI Kan, KOJIMA Masae, AOKI Hirofumi. 2E5-4 How an original cognitive control test relates to evaluation of driving aptitude related functions?. The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics. 2024. 60. Supplement. 2E5-4-2E5-4
Shinohara Kazumitsu, Masuda Naoko, Ishimatsu Kazuma, Kimura Takahiko, Kawano Naoko, Yamauchi Satsuki, Shinkai Hiroko, Aoki Hirofumi, Kojima Masae. Test of executive functioning for evaluating fitness to drive and on-road driving behavior assessment.: Examination of the relevance of Dynamic Attention and Switching Test. The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. 2023. 87. 2C-079-PQ-2C-079-PQ
Nishizawa Chieko, Ban Kazunori, Kojima Masae, Aoki Hirofumi. Analysis for modeling of pedestrian action at crosswalk without traffic signals -- Comparison between elderly and non-elderly adults crossing action --. The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. 2023. 87. 1D-079-PN-1D-079-PN
古屋 健, 桐生 正幸, 阿部 光弘, 近藤 修, 安藤 賢太, 島田 恭子, 宮中 大介, 上市 秀雄, 小嶋 理江. カスタマーハラスメント-心理学的アプローチの可能性を探る-. 応用心理学研究. 2022. 48. 1. 38-65
Development of the justice attitude scale. Treatises and Studies by the Facalty of Kinjo Gakuin University. Studies in Humanities. 2021. 18. 1. 8-21
Books (2):
福村出版 2022 ISBN:9784571200878
福村出版 2019
Lectures and oral presentations (36):
Studies on the Optimisation of Safe Driving Assistance for Individual Elderly Drivers - Subjective assessment of driving "SQ-CCDC" -
(The 6th TMI International Seminar Nagoya University & Kookmin University Joint Event: Human-Centered and Cognitive Aspects in Traffic 2023)
無信号横断歩道における歩行者横断判断モデル構築のための基礎的分析 -歩行者の属性と行動傾向に着目して-
(日本交通心理学会 2022)
(日本交通心理学会 2022)
A Study to Develop a Simple Questionnaire on Driving Characteristics of Elderly Drivers
(自動車技術会 秋季大会 2021)
Committee career (7):
Awards (1):
- 2019/06 - 日本交通心理学会 優秀発表論文賞 項目反応理論による適性判断テストの開 発 -概要-
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 人間環境学会
, 自動車技術会
, 法科学技術学会
, 日本教育心理学会
, 日本応用心理学会
, 日本交通心理学会
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