Job title:
Assistant Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Bukkyo University
Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (7):
Early Mahayana Buddhism
, Pure Land Buddhism
, The Bhaiṣajya-guru-vaiḍūrya-prabhā-rāja-sūtra
, The Larger Sukhāvatī-vyūha
, *The Akṣobhya-tathāgatasya Vyūha
, The Pratyutpannabuddha-saṃmukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra
, Lokakṣema
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2022 - 2027 Bhaisajyaguru and Amitabha: A Comparative Study of the Development of Pure Land Buddhism in India
2021 - 2023 The Development of Pure Land Buddhism in India: A Study of the Bhaiṣajyaguru-Sūtra
Papers (16):
吹田, 隆徳. manasi-Krの意味について : 般舟三昧の実践に用いられる場合(田山令史教授 松永知海教授古稀記念号)-The Meaning of manasi-Kr in the Pratyutpanna-samadhi Practice. 佛教大学仏教学会紀要. 2022. 27. 125-140
松田, 和信, 出本, 充代, 上野, 牧生, 田中, 裕成, 吹田, 隆徳. 毒蛇の喩え : 第26三啓経の梵文テキストと和訳(田山令史教授 松永知海教授古稀記念号)-Sanskrit Text and Japanese Translation of the 26th Tridanda : Asivisa. 佛教大学仏教学会紀要. 2022. 27. 47-78
阿毘達磨集論研究会. 梵文和訳『阿毘達磨集論』(6)アーラヤ識の存在論証-Annotated Japanese Translation of the Abhidharmasamuccaya and its Bhasya(6)Proofs for the Existence of Alayavijnana. インド学チベット学研究. 2021. 25. 63-103
Samādhirājasūtra, (Gilgit Manuscripts in the National Archives of India : Facsimile Edition Vol. II.3).
National Archives of India, International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University 2018 ISBN:9784904234167
Sanskrit Fragments of the Pañcavastuka
Sankibo Press 2017 ISBN:9784796302517