J-GLOBAL ID:202101010382299360
Update date: Aug. 12, 2024
Maeshiro Takuya
マエシロ タクヤ | Maeshiro Takuya
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially Appointed Researcher, Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Other affiliations (2):
Osaka University
Center for the Study of Co*Design
Visiting Academic Staff
Ritsumeikan University
College of Policy Science Department of Policy Science
Part-time lecturer
Research field (1):
International relations
Research keywords (8):
Okinawa Radiowave Tracking Base
, Treaty of Peace with Japan
, International Trusteeship System
, Nakayoshi Ryoko
, Paul Wyatt Caraway
, Decolonization
, Okinawa Reversion
, US-Japan relations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2024 - 2027 沖縄返還の実現における脱植民地化要因の検討-米国は何を恐れていたのか?
- 2022 - 2024 アメリカ沖縄政策に対する仲吉良光の日本復帰運動の影響
- 2022 - 2023 仲吉良光の日本復帰運動の再考-「復帰男」が沖縄返還に果たした役割とは何だったのか
- 2018 - 2018 The True Image of the Emperor of Okinawa : The High Commissioner Caraway’s Rule over Okinawa
- 2017 - 2017 The American Occupation of Okinawa and the Road to Reversion
Papers (6):
Takuya Maeshiro. How was Japan able to establish the Okinawa Radiowave Tracking Base under the US Military Administration?. Co* Design NOTE. 2024. 4. 1-18
真栄城拓也. 仲吉良光の日本復帰運動の再考-「復帰男」が 沖縄返還に果たした役割とは何だったのか. ROLES REVIEW 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター創発戦略研究オープンラボ研究論文集. 2023. 3. 1-21
Takuya Maeshiro. How was Okinawa Restored to Japan?: A Half-Century of Debate. Osaka Law Review. 2021. 71. 3・4. 389-416
真栄城拓也. 沖縄返還とキャラウェイ高等弁務官の「強権的」統治 --何が問題だったのか--. 大阪大学博士学位論文. 2021
真栄城 拓也. キャラウェイ高等弁務官の沖縄統治(一九六一年二月-一九六四年七月)(2・完)「強権的」統治と沖縄返還. 阪大法学 = Osaka law review. 2021. 70. 6. 1457-1476
MISC (1):
渡邉浩崇, 鍛治一郎, 真栄城拓也, 飯田星良. 2018~2021年度宇宙に関するインターネット世論調査報告書. 2022
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
Examining Decolonization Factors in the Okinawa Reversion: What was the US afraid of?
(The Kansai Forum for Japan-U.S. Intellectual Exchange 2024)
How did Japan Install Okinawa Radiowave Tracking Base under the US Military Administration?
(Space Sciences and Technology Conference 2023)
Nakayoshi Ryoko and the Resolution of February 1: How did the Decolonization Issue Affect the Okinawa Reversion?
(The 2022 Annual Convention of the Japanese Association of International Relations 2022)
(東大先端研創発戦略研究オープンラボ(ROLES)「沖縄返還の道のりをふり返る」 2022)
(占領・戦後史研究会第4回研究会 2017)
Education (4):
- 2014 - 2021 Osaka University Graduate School of Law and Politics Department of Law and Political Science
- 2015 - 2016 Texas A&M University Department of History
- 2012 - 2014 Osaka University Graduate School of Law and Politics Department of Law and Political Science
- 2008 - 2012 Ritsumeikan University College of Policy Science Department of Policy Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
Committee career (2):
- 2024/05 - 現在 The Kansai Forum for Japan-U.S. Intellectual Exchange Accountant
- 2023/09 - 現在 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 外務省外交・安全保障調査研究事業費補助金(総合事業)「自由民主主義秩序を支える情報プラットフォームの構築」(分科会「戦後日本外交の歴史的研究」)委員
Awards (2):
- 2012/03 - 立命館大学父母教育後援会 政策科学部長 優秀賞
- 2011/07 - Ritsumeikan University Saionji Memorial Scholarship
Association Membership(s) (2):
The Japan Association of International Relations
, 占領・戦後史研究会
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