Research keywords (3):
Information Theory
, Polar codes
, Shannon Theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2023 - 2028 Information Theoretic Inequalities for Smooth Entropies
2021 - 2023 A Unified Approach to Coding Problems with Conditional Smooth Renyi Entropies
2017 - 2019 Analyses of non-binary polar codes via Arimoto's conditional Renyi entropy
2014 - 2017 A study on Polar codes to improve the performance of coding error rate
Papers (24):
Sho HIGUCHI, Yuta SAKAI. A Fundamental Limit of Variable-Length Compression with Worst-Case Criteria in Terms of Side Information. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. 2024. E107.A. 3. 384-392
Yuta Sakai, Vincent Y. F. Tan. On Smooth Rényi Entropies: A Novel Information Measure, One-Shot Coding Theorems, and Asymptotic Expansions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2022. 68. 3. 1496-1531
Yuta Sakai, Recep Can Yavas, Vincent Y. F. Tan. Third-Order Asymptotics of Variable-Length Compression Allowing Errors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2021. 67. 12. 7708-7722
Yuta Sakai, Vincent Y. F. Tan. Variable-Length Source Dispersions Differ Under Maximum and Average Error Criteria. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2020. 66. 12. 7565-7587
Yuta Sakai, Vincent Y.F. Tan. Third-Order Asymptotics of Variable-Length Compression Allowing Errors. 2020 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA). 2020. 76-80
Kees A. Schouhamer Immink, Stan Baggen, Ferdaous Chaabane, Yanling Chen, Peter H. N. de With, Héla Gassara, Hamed Gharbi, Adel Ghazel, Khaled Grati, Naira M. Grigoryan, et al. Proceedings of Workshop AEW10: Concepts in Information Theory and Communications. CoRR. 2017. abs/1707.08567
SAKAI Yuta, IWATA Ken-ichi. Speed-Up Method for Optimal Quantizations of Binary-Input Discrete Memoryless Channels with Monge Property (情報理論). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報. 2016. 116. 206. 35-40
Construction, Encoding, and Decoding of Polar Codes with Multilevel Polarization for q-Ary Input Generalized Erasure Channels. 2016. 116. 206. 13-18
A Sharp Bound Between Two Arimoto's Conditional Renyi Entropies with Distinct Positive Orders. 2016. 116. 33. 63-68
阪井 祐太, 岩田 賢一. Relations Between Conditional Shannon Entropy and Expectation of Norm and Their Applications (情報理論). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報. 2016. 115. 500. 49-54
Third-Order Asymptotics of Variable-Length Compression Allowing Errors
(2020 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA) 2020)
国際会議(IEEE ISIT2020)参加報告
(第9回誤り訂正符号のワークショップ 2020)
Variable-Length Source Dispersions Differ under Maximum and Average Error Criteria
(2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2020)
On the Second- and Third-Order Asymptotics of Smooth Rényi Entropy and Their Applications
(2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2020)
Countably Infinite Multilevel Source Polarization for Non-Stationary Erasure Distributions
(2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2019)
2016 - 2018 University of Fukui Graduate School of Engineering Advanced Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
2014 - 2016 University of Fukui Graduate School of Engineering Department of Information Science
2012 - 2014 University of Fukui Faculty of Engineering Information Science
2007 - 2012 National Institute of Technology, Fukui College Department of Electronics and Information Engineering
Professional career (2):
Doctor of Engineering (University of Fukui)
Master of Engineering (University of Fukui)
Work history (3):
2023/04 - 現在 Shimane University Faculty of Materials for Energy Assistant Professor
2021/04 - 2023/03 University of Hyogo Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor
2019/01 - 2021/03 National University of Singapore Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Research Fellow
Committee career (1):
2021/04 - 2021/10 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW2021) Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member
Awards (6):
2019/01 - IEEE Communications Society Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Communications
2017/04 - IEEE Nagoya Section Conference Presentation Award Relations between conditional Shannon entropy and expectation of lα-norm
2016/12 - Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Young Researcher Paper Award
2016/11 - 2016 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA2016) Organizing Committee Student Paper Award Extremal Relations Between Shannon Entropy and lα-Norm
2016/11 - IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter Young Researcher Best Paper Award Extremal relations between Shannon entropy and lα-norm
2016/08 - IEICE Research Society of Information Theory and its Applications Student Presentation Award Relations between conditional Shannon entropy and expectation of norm and their applications
Show all
Association Membership(s) (2):
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)