J-GLOBAL ID:202101012854079869
Update date: Dec. 05, 2024
Yoshimura Yuki
Yoshimura Yuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, 遺伝子改変
, 実験動物学
, 体温
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (13):
Yuki Yoshimura, Tatsuo Watanabe, Kazuomi Nakamura, Akira Futatsugi, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Takeshi Y Hiyama. High-temperature exposure during the early embryonic stage lowers core body temperature after growth via a hypothalamic Igfbp2-dependent mechanism. Scientific reports. 2024. 14. 1. 29586-29586
Hiroki Nagata, Takeshi Y Hiyama, Misaki Inoue, Shanshan Xu, Ikumi Wada, Yuki Yoshimura, Kazuomi Nakamura, Yukihiro Azuma, Tasuku Harada, Fuminori Taniguchi. P2X4 receptor mediates macrophage infiltration leading to endometriotic cyst epithelium proliferation and hyperalgesia in mouse model. F&S science. 2024
Shanshan Xu, Misaki Inoue, Yuki Yoshimura, Kunio Kondoh, Keiji Naruse, Takeshi Y. Hiyama. Celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia removal improves glucose tolerance and reduces pancreas islet size. Neuroscience Letters. 2024
Emi Narai, Yuki Yoshimura, Takaho Honaga, Hiroyuki Mizoguchi, Akihiro Yamanaka, Takeshi Y. Hiyama, Tatsuo Watanabe, Satoshi Koba. Orexinergic neurons contribute to autonomic cardiovascular regulation for locomotor exercise. The Journal of Physiology. 2024
Kazuomi Nakamura, Misako Seno, Yuki Yoshimura, Osamu Suzuki. Long-term culture induces Bax-dependent apoptosis in rat preimplantation embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2023. 91. 1
MISC (2):
徐 珊珊, 井上 美咲, 奈良井 絵美, 吉村 祐貴, 檜山 武史. 【神経が司る 代謝・炎症制御と生体恒常性 臓器ネットワークを理解し、疾患予防・治療へ繋ぐ】(第1章)神経による代謝調節 神経系を介した遠心性代謝制御 神経系を介した骨髄機能調節. 実験医学. 2023. 41. 20. 3257-3263
瀬古朋美, 山口繁幸, 山口繁幸, 吉村祐貴, 吉村祐貴, 中山祐二, 加藤基伸, 大林徹也, 押村光雄, 押村光雄, et al. 特定染色体領域に集積する機能分子複合体の解析. 日本人類遺伝学会大会プログラム・抄録集. 2011. 56th
Education (1):
- 2012 - 2015 Tottori University
Professional career (1):
Work history (2):
- 2018/10 - 現在 Tottori University
- 2015/04 - 2018/09 Central Institute for Experimental Animals
Association Membership(s) (2):
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
, 日本生理学会
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