J-GLOBAL ID:202101013845982862
Update date: Apr. 20, 2023
Tanaka Rumi
タナカ ルミ | Tanaka Rumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Clinical nursing
, Orthopedics
, Metabolism and endocrinology
Research keywords (4):
Orthopedic surgery
, diabetes mellitus
, Physical activity
, Nursing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2025 Association between light-intensity physical activity and quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors
Papers (10):
Michihiro Tsubaki, Yu Haniuda, Ai Ushiwata, Takuya Mori, Ryoko Ikari, Rumi Tanaka, Satoshi Tamura. An Exploratory Study on Changes in Patients in the Emergency Department due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Japan: A Single-center Retrospective Study. JMA Journal. 2022. 5. 4. 520-527
Rumi Tanaka, Kanako Yakushiji, Satomi Tanaka, Michihiro Tsubaki, Kimie Fujita. Reliability and Validity of Light-Intensity Physical Activity Scales in Adults: A Systematic Review. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. 2022. 1-15
The Relationship, of diabetes dialysis prevention to glycemic control, renal function in a, retrospective study. The Relationship of diabetes dialysis prevention to glycemic control and renal function in a retrospective study. 2022. 26. 2. 1342-8497
The effect of real-time monitoring of physical activity intensity in diabetic patients. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2021
Rumi Tanaka, Kimie Fujita, Kiyoko Makimoto, Kanako Yakushiji, Satomi Tanaka, Goro Motomura, Masanori Fujii, Satoshi Ikemura, Yasuharu Nakashima. The development and evaluation of the Sedentary Behavior and Light-Intensity Physical Activity Questionnaire. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2021. 33. 2. 125-131
Books (1):
整形外科看護 2023
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
COVID-19 による救急患者の変容に関する探索的研究
(第50回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 2023)
Review of light-intensity physical activity effects on cancer survivors
(The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science, 2022)
A systematic review of light-intensity physical activity measurement scales.
(N-nergizing nursing profession for NCD challenges 2020)
Cross-sectional study of objective daily physical activity and quality of life in liver transplant candidates.
(N-nergizing nursing profession for NCD challenges 2020)
Pre-surgery expectations and their fulfillment of expectations among Japanese patients who are undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA)
(N-nergizing nursing profession for NCD challenges 2020)
Education (1):
- 2018 - 2021 Kyushu University Department of Health Science, Kyushu University
Professional career (3):
- 博士 (九州大学)
- 修士 (九州大学)
- 学士 (九州大学)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本看護科学学会
, 日本糖尿病教育・看護学会
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