J-GLOBAL ID:202101015300913157   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Kuroda Yasuhiro

Kuroda Yasuhiro
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2015 - 2018 Identification of Neospora virulence factor and its application for the vaccine development
  • 2008 - 2011 Utility of Innovative Artificial Oxygen Carriers for Diseases Derived From Circulatory Derangements
Papers (22):
  • Yuko Matsuoka, Emi Onohara, Naoya Kojima, Yasuhiro Kuroda. Importance of particle size of oligomannose-coated liposomes for induction of Th1 immunity. International immunopharmacology. 2021. 99. 108068-108068
  • Yuko Matsuoka, Yoko Kawauchi, Kiyotaka Kawauchi, Akari Takiyama, Shohei Kojima, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Naoya Kojima. In vitro activation and maturation of human mononuclear phagocytes by stimulation with liposomes coated with a neoglycolipid containing α1-3, α1-6-mannotriose. Glycoconjugate journal. 2019. 36. 3. 185-197
  • Ragab M Fereig, Naomi Shimoda, Hanan H Abdelbaky, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshifumi Nishikawa. Neospora GRA6 possesses immune-stimulating activity and confers efficient protection against Neospora caninum infection in mice. Veterinary parasitology. 2019. 267. 61-68
  • Ragab M Fereig, Hanan H Abdelbaky, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Yoshifumi Nishikawa. Critical role of TLR2 in triggering protective immunity with cyclophilin entrapped in oligomannose-coated liposomes against Neospora caninum infection in mice. Vaccine. 2019. 37. 7. 937-944
  • Yuko Matsuoka, Yoko Kawauchi, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Kiyotaka Kawauchi, Naoya Kojima. In vitro uptake of oligomannose-coated liposomes leads to differentiation of inflammatory monocytes into mature antigen-presenting cells that can activate T cells. International immunopharmacology. 2018. 57. 102-111
MISC (3):
  • Yuko Matsuoka, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Naoya Kojima. Oligomannose-coated liposomes: a novel antigen delivery vehicle to mononuclear phagocytes and an efficient platform for vaccines for induction of cellular immunity. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 79-79
  • Y Kuroda, M Nakata, F Takeuchi, N Kojima. Relationship between of galactosylation and activity of IgG rheumatoid factor. ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM. 2002. 46. 9. S506-S506
  • Y Kuroda, M Nakata, S Hirose, H Shirai, M Iwamoto, S Izui, N Kojima, T Mizuochi. Abnormal IgG galactosylation in MRL-lpr/lpr mice: Pathogenic role in the development of arthritis. PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2001. 51. 12. 909-915
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本生化学会 ,  日本糖質学会
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