J-GLOBAL ID:202101015984886870
Update date: Jun. 07, 2024
Fuchino Takashi
フチノ タカシ | Fuchino Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2024 - 2027 大規模NFVを支えるコンパクトな高速パケットフィルタの開発
Papers (6):
Takashi Fuchino, Takashi Harada, Ken Tanaka, Kenji Mikawa. Acceleration of Packet Classification Using the Difference of Latency. 2023. 64. 9. 1217-1226
Takashi FUCHINO, Takashi HARADA, Ken TANAKA, Kenji MIKAWA. Computational Complexity of Allow Rule Ordering and its Greedy Algorithm. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. 2023
Takshi Fuchino, Takashi Harada, Ken Tanaka, Kenji Mikawa. A Rule Reordering Method via Deleting Pre-Constraints that do not Affect Policy. 2021. J104-B. 10. 783-791
Takashi Fuchino, Takashi Harada, Ken Tanaka. Accelerating Packet Classification via Direct Dependent Rules. 12th International Conference on Network of the Future. 2021
Takashi Fuchino, Takashi Harada, Ken Tanaka, Kenji Mikawa. A Rule Reordering Method via Dependent Subgraph Enumeration. 2020. J103-D. 4. 228-237
MISC (4):
A Rule Reordering Method via Deleting Dependencies Unaffecting the Policy. 2020. 19. 第4分冊. 61-62
Deciding Equivalence of The Rule List Policies via SAT solver. 2019. 119. 329. 13-19
渕野敬, 原田崇司, 田中賢, 三河賢治. 重み0のルール削除に基づくルール並び替え法. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2019. 119. 249. 47-52
A Reordering Method via Rules Pairing based on Average Weights. 2018. 118. 295. 31-36
Awards (1):
- 2019/12 - SITE研究会 SITE研究会学術奨励賞 SATソルバによるルールリストポリシの等価判定
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