J-GLOBAL ID:202101017918244615
Update date: Jun. 09, 2024
オオヤ チカ | OYA CHIKA
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords (1):
体育科教育, 柔道, 発育発達
Papers (19):
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Skeletal Muscle Damage Caused by Immediate Muscle Exercise. 2024. 73. 21-25
Chika Oya, Erina Muramatsu, Keisuke Teramoto. Quantitative Evaluation of Skeletal Muscle Fat Content by Measuring Echo Intensity Using Ultrasonography in Preschool Children. Int. J. School. Health. 2023. 10. 3. 2-11
Chika oya, Erina Muramatsu, Keisuke Teramoto. Methods for evaluating motor control functions for the development of teaching materials for creation diverse movements: evaluation index for motor control function. 2023. 23. 5
村松 愛梨奈, 堀江 稚英子, 片岡 佑衣, 大矢 知佳, 乙木 幸道, 寺本 圭輔. 休日における日本人幼児のエネルギーバランスと生活習慣および親の食意識の関連性. 学校保健研究. 2022. 64. 3. 248-258
Keisuke Teramoto, Kodo Otoki, Erina Muramatsu, Chika Oya, Yui Kataoka, Shoji Igawa. Determining total energy expenditure in 3-6-year-old Japanese pre-school children using the doubly labeled water method. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2022. 41. 1
MISC (1):
Effects of Habitual Exercise to Skeletal Muscle Fat Content in Young Adult. 2016. 65. 39-44
Books (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
Features of Longitudinal Changes in Body Fat Distribution in Japanese Children
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting 2015, San jose 2015)
Education (1):
- 2021 - 現在 Aichi University of Education
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