J-GLOBAL ID:202101018179531291
Update date: Nov. 14, 2024
タガミ ミキ | TAGAMI MIKI
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2016 - 2018 呼吸介助法が局所肺の酸素化に与える影響の検証ーMRIを使用して
- The effect of respiratory support procedures used in patients with acute respiratory failure on respiratory function
Papers (52):
S. Yamamoto, D. Ishii, K. Ishibashi, Y. Okamoto, K. Kawamura, Y. Takasaki, M. Tagami, K. Tanamachi, Y. Kohno. Combined Exercise and Education Program: Effect of Smaller Group Size and Longer Duration on Physical Function and Social Engagement among Community-Dwelling Older Adults. The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle. 2023. 12. 56-60
Yasushi Kurihara, Miki Tagami, Tadamitsu Matsuda, Sumiko Yamamoto. The relationship between movement of the shank while running and foot alignment factors that lead to the onset of Achilles peritendinitis. Journal of physical therapy science. 2019. 31. 3. 227-231
Ohsugi Hironori, Kurihara Yasushi, Kawabe Nobuhide, Yokoi Yuka, Tagami Miki, Kuwae Yutaka, Ikeda Makoto, Morishita Katsuyuki. Effects of self-exercise on community dwelling older adults. Japanese Journal of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy. 2019. 9. 2. 83-89
The relationship between kinematic characteristics of the foot while running and factors involved in running injury : Focus on restrictive ankle dorsiflexion, flat foot deformity and lower limb kinetic factors. 2019. 27. 1. 53-60
田上 未来, 大杉 紘徳, 椿 拓海, 栗原 靖, 桑江 豊, 冨田 和秀. 健常児のPeak Cough Flow. 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌. 2018. 28. Suppl. 198s-198s
MISC (6):
田上未来, 松田雅弘, 椿拓海, 大杉紘徳, 冨田和秀, 大瀬寛高. 健常児の呼吸筋力とピークフロー値. 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2018. 7
松田 雅弘, 田上 未来, 楠本 泰士, 新田 收. 子どもロコモティブシンドロームの現状把握と疼痛・転倒の関連性の調査. 体力科学. 2017. 66. 1. 123-123
田上 未来, 松田 雅弘, 福原 一郎, 花井 丈夫, 根津 敦夫. 自立歩行困難な痙直型脳性麻痺児に対しHALを用いた理学療法の1例. The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016. JARM2016. I314-I314
松田 雅弘, 田上 未来, 新田 收. 脳性麻痺両麻痺児に対するHALを用いた長期間の立位・歩行練習の検証 1症例の検討. The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016. JARM2016. I297-I297
吉川 千尋, 田上 未来, 間瀬 教史, 山本 健太, 野口 知紗, 冨田 和秀, 門間 正彦, 居村 茂幸. 側臥位における呼吸に伴う横隔膜の収縮と縦隔組織の関係. 理学療法学. 2015. 42. Suppl.2. O-0165
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