J-GLOBAL ID:202101019835416964   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Kusumoto Yutaka

Kusumoto Yutaka
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (20):
  • 2022 - 2026 Identification of novel therapeutic target molecules based on correlation between leukemia stem cell heterogeneity and in vivo dynamics
  • 2022 - 2026 Clustering of plasma cells for a comprehensive understanding of immune function in the mammary glands
  • 2022 - 2025 舌下免疫で誘導される制御性T細胞の組織間移動によるI型アレルギー抑制機序の解明
  • 2020 - 2023 Elucidation of in vivo kinetics of leukemia cell differentiation and proliferation in blast crisis
  • 2020 - 2023 Dynamic in vivo fluorescence imaging analysis of Immunocytes relevant to salivary IgA production.
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Papers (25):
  • Taiki Moriya, Mayuko Hashimoto, Hina Matsushita, Shion Masuyama, Rina Yoshida, Ryuhei Okada, Aki Furusawa, Daiki Fujimura, Hiroaki Wakiyama, Takuya Kato, et al. Near-infrared photoimmunotherapy induced tumor cell death enhances tumor dendritic cell migration. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII. 2022. 71. 12. 3099-3106
  • Katsuki Usami, Kanae Niimi, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yoshifumi Sakai, Shintaro Sato, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono, Saeka Uchino, Mutsumi Furukawa, et al. The gut microbiota induces Peyer's-patch-dependent secretion of maternal IgA into milk. Cell reports. 2021. 36. 10. 109655-109655
  • Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Taiki Moriya, Mizuki Ueda, Ippei Yasuda, Yutaka Kusumoto, Tatyana Chtanova, Michio Tomura. Cutting Edge: Recruitment, Retention, and Migration Underpin Functional Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Regulatory T Cells in Tumors. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2021. 207. 3. 771-776
  • Taiki Moriya, Kurumi Kitagawa, Yuuki Hayakawa, Hiroaki Hemmi, Tsuneyasu Kaisho, Satoshi Ueha, Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Ippei Yasuda, Yasutaka Nakanishi, Tetsuya Honda, et al. Immunogenic tumor cell death promotes dendritic cell migration and inhibits tumor growth via enhanced T cell immunity. iScience. 2021. 24. 5. 102424-102424
  • Michio Tomura, Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Taiki Moriya, Yutaka Kusumoto. Tracking the fate and migration of cells in live animals with cell-cycle indicators and photoconvertible proteins. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2021. 355. 109127-109127
MISC (11):
  • Mizuki Ueda, Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Kusumoto, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Effector T cell migration from gut immune system. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 156-156
  • Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Maika Fujimoto, Taiki Moriya, Hiromi Okuyama, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Single-cell gene and protein expression analysis revealed functional and migratory heterogeneity in regulatory T cells of inflamed skin. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 89-90
  • Taiki Moriya, Ryoyo Ikebuchi, Mizuki Ueda, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura. Immunization induces migration of MHC class II intermediate dendritic cells from immunized sites to draining lymph nodes. CYTOKINE. 2017. 100. 121-122
  • 池渕良洋, 池渕良洋, 藤本麻衣花, 中西保貴, 奥山洋美, 守屋大樹, 楠本豊, 戸村道夫. 乳腺-初乳-新生仔と個体間を超えて移動するリンパ球に関する研究. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2016. 39th
  • Akira Tominaga, Yu Kawanishi, Takahiro Taguchi, Toshio Yawata, Hiromi Okuyama, Yutaka Kusumoto, Shiro Ono, Keiji Shimizu. Spirulina Complex Polysaccharides Suppress the Growth of Glioma in T Lymphocyte- and Macrophage-dependent Manner. Kuroshio Science. 2014. 8. 1. 101-108
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